
Publication list from ADS
The GGS Wind publication list through June 1999 is the result of a
query to the ADS
service using the keyword (WIND AND TGRS) OR (WIND AND KONUS).
On the instrumentation
On the Observations of the Galactic Center by TGRS
- TGRS Observation of the Galactic Center Annihilation Line
Related sites
Data available from external sites
- GRB Lightcurves
from the GCN site. This archives all the GCN/KONUS Notices and
lightcurves in their original form as they were sent out to the GCN sites.
- Wind
at NSSDC. This is the complete archive of the data obtained with the
experiments on board Wind.
[About Wind]
[All Missions]
[by Time]
[by Energy]