Update of OSA 3.0 SPI-ISSW

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Update of OSA 3.0 SPI-ISSW

last update of this page: February 5, 2004

The INTEGRAL analysis software package OSA 3.0 has been released in December 2003. As there have been already some important updates concerning the SPI Instrument Specific Software (ISSW), I describe on this page how to update the OSA 3.0 installation with the most important changes. For convenience I make the updated tools available here, note however that the official SPI-ISSW software is available only through the ISDC.

In total five components should be updated: spibham, spiros, spiback, spihist, and the response function for usage in XSPEC 11, spi_rmf_0002.fits. You also need an updated parameter file for the analysis script spi_science_analysis to make use of the changes in spiros.

Your installation has been made in the directory $ISDC_ENV. When your installation is correct, you should be able to see where this is by typing
echo $ISDC_ENV

To do the following steps, you have to have write-permission in the $ISDC_ENV directory tree.

Here is a step by step procedure for your update:

  • cd $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/
  • mkdir spibham6
    mkdir spiros6
    mkdir spiback6
    mkdir spihist3v1v2
  • copy
    spibham-9.2.tar.gz into $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spibham6
    spiros-9.2.tar.gz into $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spiros6
    spiback-6.0.tar.gz into $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spiback6
    spihist-3.1.2.tar.gz into $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spihist3v1v2
  • Install spibham:
    cd $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spibham6
    gzip -dc spibham-6.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
    make global_install
  • Install spiros:
    cd $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spiros6
    gzip -dc spiros-6.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
    make global_install
  • Install spiback:
    cd $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spiback6
    gzip -dc spiback-6.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
    make global_install
  • Install spihist:
    cd $ISDC_ENV/analysis-sw/spi/spihist3v1v2
    gzip -dc spihist-3.1.2.tar.gz | tar xf -
    make global_install
  • copy spi_science_analysis.par into you parameter file directory ($ISDC_ENV/pfiles/ and/or ~/pfiles/)
  • copy spi_rmf_grp_0002.fits to a convenient location, e.g. to $REP_BASE_PROD/obs
  • use the spi_rmf_grp_0002.fits when fitting your spiros output spectra in XSPEC 11. Find a detailed description on this page

In case of questions and comments: contact me.