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The BBXRT Bibliography
Alan P. Smale (LHEA)
The following is a list of the publications in refereed journals that include
BBXRT data. Updates to this list can be found in the anonymous FTP account on (, in the directory /bbxrt/doc/biblio.txt.
1. "BBXRT Observations of NGC 4151 1. Iron Line Diagnostics", K. Weaver et
al., 1992, Astrophys. J. Lett., 401, L11.
2. "A New X-ray Spectral Observation of NGC 1068", F. Marshall et al.,
1993, Astrophys. J., 405, 168.
3. "BBXRT and Ginga observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy MRK 335", T.J. Turner
et al., Astrophys. J. , 407, 556.
4. "A BBXRT Spectrum of the Massive X-ray Binary X Per", E.M. Schlegel et
al., Astrophys. J. , 407, 744.
5. "Resolving the Iron K Line in Cygnus X-2: an observation with BBXRT", A.P.
Smale et al., Astrophys. J. (Scheduled for 1993 June 20th.)
6. "BBXRT Observations of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable H0538+608 = BY
Cam", T. Kallman et al., Astrophys. J. (Scheduled for 1993 July
7. "BBXRT Spectroscopy of Zeta Pup", M.F. Corcoran et al.,
Astrophys. J. (Scheduled for 1993 Aug 1st.)
8. "BBXRT Observations of the Hot Interstellar Media in NGC1399 and NGC 4472",
P.J. Serlemitsos et al., Astrophys. J. (Scheduled for 1993 August
9. "Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2256", T.
Miyaji et al., Astrophys. J. (submitted).
10. "Cygnus X-3 in an "ultrahigh" X-ray state with no detected K-alpha line
emission", A.P. Smale et al., Astrophys. J. Lett. (submitted).
11. "BBXRT Observations of the Perseus Cluster 1: the Fe-K Lines", K. Arnaud
et al. (in preparation).
12. "BBXRT Observations of BL Lac objects PKS2155-304 and H1426+428", G.M.
Madejski et al. (in preparation).
13. "The BBXRT spectrum of 3C273", C. Done et al. (in preparation).
14. "The BBXRT Spectrum of LMC X-1", E. M. Schlegel et al. (in
15. "BBXRT observations of M81", R. Petre et al. (in preparation).
16. "The BBXRT spectrum of the LMXB X0748-676", K. M. Smale et al. (in
17. "Calibrating BBXRT", K. Weaver et al. (in preparation).
18. "ROSAT HRI and BBXRT Observations of NGC 2110", K. Weaver et al. (in
19. "The Non(?)-Variable Soft X-ray Excess in NGC 4151", K. Weaver et
al. (in preparation).
20. "BBXRT Observations of NGC 4151 2: The Complex Soft X-ray Excess", K.
Weaver et al. (in preparation).
21. "BBXRT Spectra of the Massive X-ray Binaries X0114+65 and Gamma Cas", E. M.
Schlegel et al. (in preparation).
22. "The multicomponent X-ray spectra of the starburst galaxies M82 and
NGC253", R. Petre et al. (in preparation).
23. "Spatially-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant IC 443", J.
Rho et al. (in preparation).
24. "BBXRT observations of the supernova remnant G109.1-1.0 and the pulsar
1E2259+586", R. Petre, J. Rho, and A. P. Smale (in preparation).
25. "An iron line observation of Vela X-1 with the BBXRT instrument", Y. Soong
et al. (in preparation).
26. "BBXRT Observations of Centaurus X-3", M.D. Audley et al. (in
27. "A BBXRT Observation of the X-ray Transient MX0836-42", J. Swank et
al. (in preparation).
28. "The Hot Gas in Eta Carina and the Carina Nebula", J. Swank et al.
(in preparation).
In addition, work is proceeding on the BBXRT data from Capella, Algol, Cygnus
X-1 and the diffuse X-ray background.
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