This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 7, June 1998, and has not been updated since publication. Please use the search facility above to find regularly-updated information about this topic elsewhere on the HEASARC site.
The HEASARC Users Group

The HEASARC User's Group, HUG, has as its prime directive to "evaluate and monitor the performance of the HEASARC."

Other terms of reference and organization are as follows:

  • Solicit input on the operation of the HEASARC from the astronomical community.
  • Recommend guidelines for community access to the HEASARC.
  • Provide help and information to the HEASARC on a wide range of disciplines relevant to its activities.
  • Encourage interaction and coordination with other SARCs, both within and outside NASA.
  • Review an annual report on the HEASARC activities and progress.
The HUG meets regularly and reports to the Chief of the NASA Astrophysics Science Operations Branch, Guenter Riegler, and to the HEASARC director, N.E. White. While the committee has been chosen to represent a range of users, institutions, and viewpoints, it cannot be complete. The HUG requests that HEASARC users in the community contact the members with comments, compliments, suggestions, and criticisms.

Send e-mail to the Heasarc User's Group at

Current members of the HUG

John A. Nousek, Chairperson
Chryssa Kouveliotou
Julian Osborne

Joel Bregman

Megan Donahue

Fiona Harrison

Jonathan McDowell

Ronald Remillard

Allyn F. Tennant

Ray White

Updates of this information and the minutes of past HUG meetings can be obtained from the HUG WWW page at /docs/heasarc/hug/hug.html.

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Last modified: Monday, 19-Jun-2006 11:40:52 EDT