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The Legacy Journal Club
Nick White
Every issue of Legacy highlights articles published elsewhere that are of
particular interest to archival research in the high energy domain. This issue
reviews an article by Bradt, Ohashi and Pounds which will appear in Reviews
of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 30, September 1992.
X-ray astronomy from orbiting spacecraft is a relatively young activity with
very few flight opportunities. There have been 25 X-ray missions launched over
the past 25 yrs. Some, like Uhuru, are household names to astrophysicists while
others are less well-known. Virtually every mission has contributed a new facet
to the understanding of the X-ray sky. Bradt, Ohashi and Pounds (1992) have
written an excellent review that summarizes the various X-ray missions that
have been launched and their principle accomplishments. They also list the
future missions that are expected to be launched over the coming decade.
All of these data sets are potentially of interest to HEASARC users. The
HEASARC staff is currently looking into the status of each dataset and will
work with the HEASARC users group to decide which datasets should be recovered.
We reproduce here a summary of all the X-ray missions listed by Bradt, Ohashi
and Pounds (Table 1), along with the references that describe each mission
(Table 2). The users group or the HEASARC staff would be interested to hear
about any of these datasets, especially those from the less well-known
missions, which might have some feature of particular interest.
Table 1. Missions with Celestial X-ray Astronomy Instrumentsa
Mission Dates X-ray Instruments Featuresb Sciene
(Spin/Point) (sample)
OSO-3 1967-1968 H S Diffuse bkgnd.
OSO-5 1969-1972 H S Diffuse bkgnd.
Velaseries 1969-1979 M 4 satellites X-ray bursts
Uhuru 1970-1973 M S, survey Binaries, clusters
OSO-7 1971-1973 M, H S, survey 4-color catalog
Copernicus(OAO-3) 1972-1981 M, C P, primarily UV SNR mapping
ANS 1974-1976 L, M, C, B P X-ray burst
Salyut-4 1974-1975 L, M P Cyg X-1, Her X-1
Ariel-5 1974-1980 M, B, Pol, SM, MC S, survey AGN, transients
Apollo-Soyuz 1975 L, P SMC X-1 pulsing
SAS-3 1975-1979 L, M, MC, C S, P Bursts, positions
OSO-8 1975-1978 L, M, H, B, Pol S, low bkgnd. Fe line emission
HEAO-1 1977-1979 L, M, H, MC S, P, Large area All-sky catalog
Einstein 1978-1981 F, IPC, HRI, P, X-ray imaging Clusters, QSO's,
Ariel-6 1979-1981 L, M, C Pri. Cosmic ray GX 1+4
Hakucho 1979-1984 L, M, MC, SM S Bursts
Astron 1983-1988 M P Her X-1 low state
Tenma 1983-1984 L, M, G, C, SM, MC S, Good spectral resol. Fe lines
EXOSAT 1983-1986 L, M, G, F, TG P, 4-day orbit QPO's
Ginga 1987-1991 M, SM P, Large area SN1987A, AGN
Kvant/Mir 1987- M, H, CM, G Space Sta. MIR SN1987A
Granat 1989 M, H, CM P, 4-day orbit Gal. Ctr. imaging
ROSAT 1990- F, IPC, HRI P Soft survey
Astro 1 (BBXRT) 1990 CF, SS P, 8-d mission Spectra
cAstro-D 1993 CF, CCD, G P Spectros., Imaging
cSpectrum-X 1994 F, CM, SM, Pol, P, 4-day orbit Spectros., Imaging
c SAX 1994 CF, G(L,M), H, CM P, Equatorial orbit Spectra, Timing
c XTE 1996 M, H, SM P, Rapid resp. to Timing, Spectra
cAXAF 1998 F, TG, HRI, B, P, 0.5" ang. Imaging, Spectros.
Cal, CCD resol.
c XMM 1998 F, RG, CCD, P 24-h orbit, Imaging, Spectros.
Opt/UV High throughput,
Resol. 15"
a See Table 2 for references
b Low-earth orbits (period ~ 95 min) unless otherwise
c Planned missions: Capabilities and dates may be uncertain
B: Bragg Crystal Spectroscopy
Cal: Microcalorimeter
C: Collector (reflecting)
CF: Conical approx. focusing
CM: Coded-Mask imaging
F: Focusing optics
G: Gas Scintillation Prop. Ctr.
H: High Energy (10-200 keV) crystal scintillator
HRI: High resol. ImagerIPC: Imaging Prop. Ctr.
L: Low energy (0.1 - 1 keV) prop ctr.
M: Medium energy (1 - 20 keV) prop ctr.
MC: Modulation Collimator
Pol: Polarimetry
RG: Reflection grating
SM: Sky Monitor
SS: Solid-state spectrometer
TG: Transmission Gratings
P: Pointed (= 3-axis stabilized)
S: Spinners (instr. FOV may lie along spin axis)
Table 2: References for mission/instrument descriptions
ANS HXX Gursky, H., Schnopper, H., Parsignault, D. 1975. Ap. J.
Lett. 201: L127-131
ANS SXX Brinkman, A., Heise, J., de Jager, C. 1974. Philips Tech.
Rev. 34: 43-59
ANS SXX den Boggende, A., Lafleur, H. 1975. IEEE Trans. on Nucl.
Sci. NS-22: 555-59
ApolloSoyuz Stern, R., Bowyer, S. 1979. Ap. J. 230: 755-67
Ariel 5 Smith, J. F., Courtier, G.M. 1976. Proc. Royal Soc. London A
350: 421-39
Ariel 5 SSI Villa, G., Page, C., Turner, M., Cooke, B., Ricketts, M.,
Pounds, K. 1976. MNRAS 176:609-20
Ariel VI Ricketts, M., Hall, A., Page, C., Whitford, C., Pounds, K.
1982. MNRAS 201: 759-68
ART P/S Sunyaev, A., Babichenko, S., Goganov, Tabaldyev, S.,
Jambourenko, N. 1990b. Adv. Space Res. 10: (2)233-37
Astro-D Tanaka, Y. 1990. Adv. space Res. 10:(2) 255-260.
Astron sat. Babichenko, S., Burgin, M., Voinakov, S., Gernet, E.,
Goganov, D., et al. 1990. Cosmic Research 28:
587-618; transl.28(4): 503--30
AXAF Cannares, C. R. 1990. Adv. Space Res. 10: (2)261--72
AXAF Weisskopf, M. 1988. Space Sci. Rev 47:47-93
(See also papers in Astrophys. Lett. & Comm.
v. 26, #1)
BBXRT Serlemitsos, P., Marshall, F., Petre, R., Jahoda, K.,
Boldt, E., et al. 1991. in Frontiers of X-ray Astronomy.
See Tanaka and Koyama 1991, pp.??-??
Copernicus Bowles, J., Patrick, T., Sheather, P., Eiband, A. 1974.
J. Phys. E (Sci. Instr.) 7: 183--91
Copernicus Sanford, P. 1974. Proc. Royal Soc. London A 340: 411-22
CXB Persic, M., De Zotti, G., Boldt, E., Marshall, F.,
Danese, L., et al. 1989. Ap. J. Lett. 336: L47-50
Einstein Giacconi, R., van Speybroeck, L., Holt, S., Clark, C.,
Novick, R. et al. 1979a. Ap. J. 230: 5-50
EUVE Malina, R., Bowyer, S., eds. 1991. Extreme Ultraviolet
Astronomy. NY: Pergamon. 520 pp.
EXOSAT gspc Peacock, A., Andresen, R., Manzo, G., Taylor, B., Villa, G.,
Re, S. et al. 1981. Space Sci. Rev. 30: 525-34
EXOSAT LE deKorte, P., Bleeker, J., den Boggende, A.,
Branduardi-Raymont, G., Brinkman, A. et al. 1981. Sp. Sci.
Rev. 30:495-511
EXOSAT ME Turner, M., Smith, A., Zimmermann, H. 1981. Space Sci.
Rev.30: 513-524
EXOSAT Taylor, B., Andresen, R., Peacock, A., Zobl, R. 1981. Space
Sci. Rev. 30:479-494
EXOSAT White, N., Peacock, A. 1988. Mem. d. Soc. Astron. ltal.
Ginga ASM Tsunemi, H., Kitamoto, S., Manabe, M., Miyamoto, S.,
Yamashita, K., Nakagawa, M. 1989a. Publ. Astron. Soc.
Japan 41: 391~3
Ginga GBD Murakami, T., Fujii, M., Hayashida, K.. Itoh, M.,
Nishimura, J., et al. 1989. Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 41: 405-26
Ginga LAC Turner, M., Thomas, H., Patchett, B., Reading, D.,
Makishima, K. et al. 1989. Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 41: 345-72
Ginga Makino, F., the Astro-C team. 1987. Astrophys. Lett.
and Communication 25: 223-33
Granat Roques, J., Paul, J., Mandrou, P., Lebrun, F. 1990. Adv.
Space Res. 10: (2)223-32
Hakucho Kondo, I., lnoue, H., Koyama, K., Makishima, K., Matsuoka, M.
et al. 1981. Space Sci. Instr. 5: 211-28
HEAO-1 A1 Friedman, H. 1979. Proc. Royal Soc. London A,
HEAO-1 A2 Boldt, E. 1987. Phys. Reports 146: 215--57
HEAO-1 A2 Rothschild, R., Boldt, E., Holt, S., Serlemitsos, P., Garrmre,
G. et al. 1979. Space Sci. Instr. 4: 269-301
HEAO-1 A3 Gursky, H., Bradt, H., Doxsey, A., Schwartz, D., Schwarz, J.
et al. 1978. Ap. J. 223: 973-8
HEAO-1 A4 Matteson, J. 1978. Proc. AIAA 16th Aerospace Sci. Mtg.
78-35. 0ffprint.
JET-X Pounds, K. 1990. In Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond.
See Kondo 1990, pp. 111-18
Kvant GSPC Smith, A. 1985. Non-thermal and Very High Temperture
Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy. ed. G. Perola and M. Salvati
p.271-77. Rome: Inst. Astron. Roma
Kvant HEXE Reppin, C., Pietswch, W., Trumper, J., Kendziorra, E.,
Staubert, R. 1985. In Non-thermal and Very High Temperture
Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy. ed. G. Perola and
M.Salvati p.279-82. Rome: Inst. Astron. Roma
Kvant/Mir Sunyaev, R., Churazov, E., Efremov, V., Gilfanov, M.,
Grebenev, S., et al. 1990a. Adv. Space Res. 10:(2)41-46
Kvant TTM Brinkman A., Dam, J., Mels, W., Skinner, G., Willmore, A. 1985.
Proc. Workshop Non-thermal and Very High Temperature
Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy. ed. G.Perola and M. Salvati
p. 236-70. Rome: Inst. Astron. Roma
OSO-3 Hudson, H., Peterson, L., Schwartz, D., 1969. Solar Phys.
OSO-3 isotr Schwartz, D. 1970. Ap.JI. 162: 439-44
OSO-3 spect Schwartz, D., Hudson, H., Peterson, L. 1970. Ap. J. 162:
OSO-5 bkg Dennis, B., Suri, A., Frost, K. 1973. Ap. J. 186:
OSO-5 Instr Frost, K., Dennis, B., Lencho, R. 1971. In New Techniques in
Space Astron. IAU Symposium 41, ed. F. Labuhn, R. Lust,
pp. 185-91
OSO-7 cat Markert, T., Winkler,P., Laird, F., Clark, G., Hearn, D. et
al. 1979. Ap. J. Suppl. 39: 573-632
OSO-7 Clark, G., Bradt, H., Lewin, W., Markert, T., Schnopper, H.,
Sprott, G. 1973. Ap. J. 179: 263-68
OSO-7 Peterson, L. 1973. In X-ray and Gamma-ray Astronomy
(lAU Symp.#55), ed. H. Bradt, R. Giacconi, p. 51-73
OSO-8 Instr. Kestenbaum, H., Cohen, G., Long, K., Novick, R., Silver, E.
et al. 1976a. Ap. J. 210:805-809
OSO-8 lnstr Dennis, B., Frost, K., Lencho, R., Orwig, L. 1977. Space
Sci. /nstr. 3: 325-42
OSO-8 lnstr. Bunner, A. 1978. Ap. J. 220: 261-71
OSO-8 Pol Novick R. 1975. Space Sci. Rev. 18: 389-408
OSO-8 Serlemitsos, P., Becker, R., Boldt, E, Holt, S., Pravdo, S. et
al. 1976. X-ray Binaries NASA SP-389, ed. E. Boldt,
Y. Kondo, p. 67-79, Washington DC: NASA
Pol OSO-8 Hughes, J., Long, K., Novick, R. 1984a. Ap. J. 280:
ROSAT HRI Zornbeck, M., Conroy, M., Harnden, F., Roy, A. Braeuninger, H.
et al. 1990. In EUV, X-ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation
for Astronomy. See Siegmund and Hudson 1990, pp.267-83
ROSAT Pfeffermann, E., Briel, U., Hippman, H., Kettenring, G.,
Metzner, G. et al. 1986. Proc. SPIE 733: 519
ROSAT Trumper, J. 1983. Adv. Space Res. 2 (4): 241-49
ROSAT Trumper, J. 1991. Astron. Astrophys. 246: L1 (See also
following papers 246: L2-50)
ROSAT WFC Wells, A., Abbey, A., Barstow, M., Cole, R., Pye, J., et al.
1990. In EUV, X-ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for
Astronomy. See Siegmund and Hudson 1990, pp. 230- 43
Rosat Aschenbach, B. 1991. Rev. Modem Astron. 4 in press
Rosat Desc Rosat Sci. Data Ctr. 1991. ROSAT Mission Description,
Appendix F of NASA NRA 91- OSSA-3. Garching: MPE
RosatWFCMirrors Willingale, R. 1988. Applied Optics 27:1423-29
Salyut-4 Babichenko, S., Gogonov, D., Dereguzov E. Komyak, N.,
Kurt, V., et al. 1977. Space Sci. Instr. 3: 311--23
SAS-3 det Lewin, W., Li, F., Hoffman, J., Doty, J., Buff, J., et al
1976a. MNRAS 177: 93P-1OOP
SAS-3Slat Buff, J., Jernigan, J., Laufer, B., Bradt, H., Clark, G. et
al. 1977. Ap. J. 212: 768--73
SAX Butler, R., Scarsi, L. 1990. In Observatories in Earth
Orbit and Beyond. See Kondo 1990, pp. 141-50
SMM Acton, L., Culhane, J.L., Gabriel, A., Bentley, R., Bowles, J.
1980. Solar Phys. 65: 53--71
SMM Orwig, L., Frost, K., Dennis, B. 1980. Solar Phys.
65: 25-37
SMM Van Beek, H., Hoyng, P., Lafleur, B., Sinnett, G. 1980.
Solar Phys. 65: 39-52
SODART Schnopper, H. 1990. In Observatories in Earth Orbit and
Beyond. See Kondo 1990, pp. 119-28
Tenma Tanaka, Y., Fujii, M., Inoue, H., Kawaii, N., Koyama, K.
et al. 1984. Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 36
Uhuru Giacconi, R., Kellogg, E., Gorenstein, P., Gursky, H., and
Tananbaum, H. 1971a. Ap. J. Lett. 165: L27--35
WATCH Brandt, S., Lund, N., Rao, A. 1990. Adv. Space Res. 10:
WFC MPG Barstow, M., Sansom, A. 1990. In EUV, X-ray, and Gamma-Ray
Instrumentation for Astronomy. See Siegmund and Hudson
1990, pp. 244-54
XMM Barr, P., Bergeron, J., Bleeker, J., Ellwood, J., Gabriel, A.,
et al. 1988. The High-Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy
Mission, SP-1097. Paris: ESA
XMM Peacock, A., Taylor, B., Ellwood, J. 1990. Adv. Space Res.
10:(2) 273-85
XTE Bradt, H., Levine, A., Swank, J., Rothschild, R.,
Jernigan, J., et al. 1990. In Observatories in Earth Orbit
and Beyond. See Kondo 1990, pp. 89-110
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