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Images Virgo Cluster-Rosat Abell 2142- Chandra ACIS image M86 and M84 - Einstein IPC Hydra A - Chandra ACIS Hidden cluster - XMM EPIC Perseus - Chandra ACIS Perseus - Chandra ACIS Hydra - ROSAT Hickson Compact Group 16 - XMM-Newton Coma Cluster - XMM-Newton Hickson Compact Group 62 - Chandra 3C 294 - Chandra EMSS 1358+6245 - Chandra Dark matter in Clusters of Galaxies - Chandra/HST Plume in Centaurus - Chandra 1E 0657-56 - Chandra Virgo Cluster & M87 - Chandra PKS 0745-191 - Chandra Stephan's Quintet - Chandra Perseus Cluster - Chandra Spectra A85 - HEAO-1 A2 observations with model fitting Perseus Cluster -Ariel 5 observations
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