OSO-7 Bibliography: Refereed Journals
Globular cluster x-ray sources
Pooley, D, PNAS, 107, 7164 (2010)
OSSE Observations of NGC 1275 in the 0.05--10.0 MeV Range
Osako, C et al., ApJ, 435, 181 (1994)
Soft X-ray emission from the high galactic latitude X-ray source MX 2140-60
Singh, K et al., Ap&SS, 77, 215 (1981)
Nonthermal hard X-ray emission from the nucleus of NGC 1275
Rothschild, R et al., ApJL, 243, L9 (1981)
The X-ray spectrum of AM Her from 0.1 to 150 keV
Rothschild, R et al., ApJ, 250, 723 (1981)
A probable 1970 hard X-ray outburst by 4U 0041+32
Laros, J & Wheaton, W, Natur, 284, 324 (1980)
A high sensitivity determination of the hard X-ray spectrum of Sco X-1
Rothschild, R et al., Natur, 286, 786 (1980)
Observation of hard X-ray flux variability of 3U 0352+30 = X Persei
Frontera, F et al., ApJ, 229, 291 (1979)
The MIT/OSO 7 catalog of X-ray sources: intensities, spectra, and long-term variability
Markert, T et al., ApJS, 39, 573 (1979)
GX339-4: a new black hole candidate
Samimi, J et al., Natur, 278, 434 (1979)
Evidence for low-energy γ-ray emission close to CG135+1
della Ventura, A et al., Natur, 282, 486 (1979)
X-ray emission from MSH 14-63 - probable remnant of the A.D. 185 supernova
Winkler, P, ApJ, 221, 220 (1978)
Hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
Auriemma, G et al., ApJL, 221, L7 (1978)
X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-richness relation
Jones, C & Forman, W, ApJ, 224, 1 (1978)
X-ray lines and magnetic field of Her X-1
Brecher, K & Ulmer, M, Natur, 271, 135 (1978)
Long-term variability of galactic X-ray sources
Li, F et al., Natur, 275, 723 (1978)
OSO-7 hard X-ray observations of 3U 0352+30 = X Persei
Mushotzky, R et al., ApJL, 211, L129 (1977)
A search for hard X-rays from five strong extragalactic radio sources
Mushotzky, R et al., ApJ, 212, 22 (1977)
Observations of galactic X-ray sources by OSO-7
Markert, T et al., ApJ, 218, 801 (1977)
Recurrent X-ray outbursts from Aquila X-1
Kaluzienski, L et al., Natur, 265, 606 (1977)
Ionospheric Effects of Transient Celestial X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Events
Kasturirangan, K et al., Ap&SS, 42, 57 (1976)
M. I. T. Studies of Transient X-Ray Phenomena
Canizares, C, Ap&SS, 42, 111 (1976)
OSO-7 observations of the X-ray nova 3U 1543-47
Li, F et al., ApJ, 203, 187 (1976)
Detection of X-ray emission from the remnant of the supernova 1006 A.D
Winkler, P & Laird, F, ApJL, 204, L111 (1976)
OSO-7 observations of high galactic latitude X-ray sources
Markert, T et al., ApJ, 206, 265 (1976)
UCSD OSO-7 observations of the hard X-ray spectrum and variability of Centaurus A
Mushotzky, R et al., ApJL, 206, L45 (1976)
Observations of two X-ray flares and the nearby source MX 1716-31
Markert, T et al., ApJL, 208, L115 (1976)
Observations of high-latitude X-ray sources with the Uhuru satellite
Murray, S & Ulmer, M, ApJ, 210, 230 (1976)
Ariel V sky survey observations of X rays from the globular cluster candidates 3U2131+11 and MXO513-40
Pye, J & Cooke, B, Natur, 260, 410 (1976)
Observation of the Galactic Hard X-Ray Background from the OSO-7 Satellite
Wheaton, W, PhD Thesis, 7 (1976)
Observations of Hard X-Rays from Extragalactic Objects
Mushotzky, R, PhD Thesis, 13 (1976)
Observations of six binary X-ray sources with the UCSD OSO-7 X-ray telescope
Ulmer, M, ApJ, 196, 827 (1975)
Observations of X-ray sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud by the OSO-7 satellite
Markert, T & Clark, G, ApJL, 196, L55 (1975)
The X-ray, optical, and radio behavior of Scorpius X-1: the 1972 coordinated observations
Canizares, C et al., ApJ, 197, 457 (1975)
Observations of the Circinus X-1 region
Baity, W et al., ApJ, 198, 447 (1975)
Hard X-ray observations of NGC 4251
Baity, W et al., ApJL, 199, L5 (1975)
Observations of variable X-ray sources in globular clusters
Clark, G et al., ApJL, 199, L93 (1975)
Observations of a bright, variable X-ray source in a globular cluster
Canizares, C & Neighbours, J, ApJL, 199, L97 (1975)
A sudden increase in the X-ray flux from Centaurus A
Winkler, P & White, A, ApJL, 199, L139 (1975)
X-ray binaries in globular clusters
Clark, G, ApJL, 199, L143 (1975)
Ionospheric effects of transient celestial X-ray and gamma ray events
Kasturirangan, K et al., IJRSP, 4, 203 (1975)
Observations of X rays from near NGC6440
Markert, T et al., Natur, 257, 32 (1975)
X rays from supernova remnants
Charles, P & Culhane, J, SciAm, 233, 0638 (1975)
Extended Observations of > 7-keV X-Rays from Centaurus X-3 by the OSO-7 Satellite
Baity, W et al., ApJ, 187, 341 (1974)
A ten-day observation of Hercules X-1 from the OSO-7 satellite
McClintock, J et al., ApJ, 188, 159 (1974)
OSO-7 Observations of a High-Latitude X-Ray Source Associated with Abell Cluster A2052
Heinz, C et al., ApJL, 188, L41 (1974)
Long-Term Observations of Cygnus X-2 from OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 189, 339 (1974)
Limit on X-ray emission from a supernova during maximum light
Sprott, G et al., ApJ, 191, 739 (1974)
Observation of an Absorption Dip in the X-Ray Intensity of Cygnus X-1
Kwok Li, F & Clark, G, ApJL, 191, L27 (1974)
Observation of an absorption dip in the X-ray intensity of Cygnus X-1
Li, F & Clark, G, ApJL, 191, L27 (1974)
X-Ray Observations of the Supernova Remnant IC 443
Winkler, P & Clark, G, ApJL, 191, L67 (1974)
OSO-7 Observations of Circinus X-1
Canizares, C et al., ApJL, 191, L75 (1974)
Observations of the 4.8-hour variations of Cygnus X-3 above 7 keV from the OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 192, 691 (1974)
A Search for X-Rays from Supernova 1972e with UHURU and OSO-7
Canizares, C et al., ApJL, 192, L61 (1974)
Upper limit to the X-ray flux from the supernova in NGC 5253 above 7 keV from the OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 193, 535 (1974)
Analysis of the 0.511 MeV radiation at the OSO-7 satellite
Dunphy, P, PhD Thesis, 112 (1974)
Observations of Taurus X-I by the 1-60 keV X-Ray Detector on the OSO-7
Clark, G et al., ApJ, 179, 263 (1973)
The Spectrum and Variability of Hercules X-1 Observed by OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJL, 181, L33 (1973)
Limits to the Spectra of the Perseus and Coma Clusters above 7 keV from the OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 183, 15 (1973)
Upper Limits to the X-Ray Emission from β Persei during Radio Flares
Canizares, C et al., ApJL, 183, L91 (1973)
New Transient Source, Cepheus X-4, Observed by OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJL, 184, L117 (1973)
Star Scanner Attitude Determination for the OSO-7 Spacecraft
Mackison, D et al., JSpRo, 10, 262 (1973)
Observations of Periodic Variations in the X-ray Intensity of Cygnus X-3
Canizares, C et al., NPhS, 241, 28 (1973)
Observations of the Binary X-ray Source SMC X-1 from OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., NPhS, 242, 121 (1973)
Radio Stars and X-ray Sources
Bahcall, J & Kellogg, E, NPhS, 244, 135 (1973)
Observations of Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3 Above 7 keV from OSO-7
Baity, W et al., NPhS, 245, 90 (1973)
Upper Limit for the Pulsed Emission above 100 keV from Hercules X-1
Kurfess, J & Crosa, L, NPhS, 245, 116 (1973)
Hard X-ray Emission from Her X-1
Sharma, D et al., NPhS, 246, 107 (1973)
Measurement of the Position and Spectrum of Hercules X-1 from the OSO-7 Satellite
Clark, G et al., ApJL, 177, L109 (1972)
Hard X-Ray Observations of Hercules X-1 by OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJL, 178, L61 (1972)
Observations of the VELA XR-1 by the UCSD X-Ray Telescope on OSO-7
Ulmer, M et al., ApJL, 178, L121 (1972)
A Gamma Ray Monitor for the OSO-7 Spacecraft
Higbie, P et al., ITNS, 19, 606 (1972)
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