OSO-8 Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications

artist concept of OSO-8
  1. ESA Voyage 2050 white paper: A Polarized View of the Hot and Violent Universe
    Soffitta, P et al., arXiv, 1910, 10092 (2019)
  2. X-ray polarization capabilities of a small explorer mission
    Jahoda, K et al., SPIE, 9144, 0N (2014)
  3. Interplay Between Theory and Observation
    Hebb Swank, J, AAS, 221, 11314 (2013)
  4. The Spin Of The Black Hole Primaries In LMC X-1 And A0620-00
    Gou, L et al., HEAD, 11, 4204 (2010)
  5. Polarimetry days in Rome: Crab status, theory and prospects
    Proceedings of “Polarimetry days in Rome: Crab status, theory and prospects.” (2008)
  6. POLARIX: a small mission of x-ray polarimetry
    Costa, E et al., SPIE, 6266, 0R (2006)
  7. Computed vs. Observed Lines Profiles of Metallic Atoms in Prominences
    Cirigliano, D et al., IAUS, 203, 384 (2001)
  8. Orbiting Solar Observatory
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4733 (2000)
  9. Recent data restoration additions to the HEASARC archive
    Angelini, L et al., AAS, 194, 8301 (1999)
  10. The X-ray Polarimeter Experiment (XPE)
    Elsner, R et al., AAS, 190, 0911 (1997)
  11. Modernizing the OSO-8 High-Energy Celestial X-ray Data Set
    Kemper, E & Dolan, J, AAS, 183, 0607 (1993)
  12. A new technique for measuring the polarization from celestial X-ray sources
    Austin, R et al., aiaa conf (1993)
  13. No detection of the iron line in Cygnus X–3 by BBXRT
    Smale, A, AAS, 181, 2003 (1992)
  14. The Spectra of Sco X-1 and Similar Bulge Sources
    Swank, J & Serlemitsos, P, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 175 (1985)
  15. The high energy X-ray spectrum of Cen XR-3 observed from OSO-8
    Dolan, J et al., HiA, 6, 649 (1983)
  16. Present and past space programs
    Rakos, K, LowOB, 9, 233 (1983)
  17. The MXB1916-053/4U1915-05: Burst properties and constraints on a 50 minute binary secondary
    Swank, J et al., STIN, 83, 34862 (1983)
  18. A search for X-ray polarization in cosmic X-ray sources
    Hughes, J et al., STIN, 84, 27657 (1983)
  19. 4U 1916-05
    Walter, F et al., IAUC, 3611, 2 (1981)
  20. High energy X-ray observations of CYG X-3 from from OSO-8: Further evidence of a 34.1 day period
    Dolan, J et al., STIN, 82, 18085 (1981)
  21. X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies
    Mushotzky, R & Smith, B, HiA, 5, 735 (1980)
  22. Is the remnant of SN1006 crab-like?
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 80, 26251 (1980)
  23. The X-ray spectrum of QSO 0241+622
    Worrall, D et al., STIN, 80, 28289 (1980)
  24. OSO-8 Observations of the Crab Pulsar
    Maurer, G et al., BAAS, 11, 419 (1979)
  25. High Energy X-Ray Sources within 5° of the Galactic Center observed with OSO-8
    Dennis, B et al., BAAS, 11, 420 (1979)
  26. The High Energy X-Ray Spectrum of 4U1700-37 as Observed from OSO-8
    Dolan, J et al., BAAS, 11, 464 (1979)
  27. The 78.4 day period of Cygnus XR-1
    Dolan, J et al., STIN, 79, 18860 (1979)
  28. The X-ray spectrum of 3C 273
    Worrall, D et al., STIN, 79, 23852 (1979)
  29. Detection of high energy X-rays from the galactic center region
    Dennis, B et al., STIN, 80, 12988 (1979)
  30. The high energy X-ray spectrum of 4U1700-37 observed from OSO-8
    Dolan, J et al., STIN, 80, 17975 (1979)
  31. On the physical environment in galactic nuclei
    Beall, J, pegn book (1979)
  32. X-ray polarimetry
    Long, K et al., X-ray Astronomy, 105 (1979)
  33. Bragg crystal spectroscopy on the OSO 8 satellite
    Long, K et al., X-ray Astronomy, 183 (1979)
  34. Recent observations of Hercules X-1 with HEAO-1 and OSO-8
    Pravdo, S et al., X-ray Astronomy, 219 (1979)
  35. The High-Energy X-Ray Spectrum of Her X-1 observed from OSO-8
    Dennis, B et al., BAAS, 10, 434 (1978)
  36. Observations of Cosmic X-Ray Sources with the High-Energy Scintillation Spectrometer on OSO-8
    Dennis, B et al., BAAS, 10, 513 (1978)
  37. OSO-8 Observations of the Soft X-Ray Diffuse Background-A Steep Ridge Near Radio Loop III
    Sanders, W et al., BAAS, 10, 641 (1978)
  38. High Resolution Crystal Spectroscopy of Galactic X-Ray Sources with OSO-8
    Ku, W et al., BAAS, 10, 420 (1978)
  39. Balloon Observation of the Binary X-Ray Source HER X-1 1.24 SEC Pulsation and Cyclotron Line Emission
    Pietsch, W et al., ESASP, 135, 293 (1978)
  40. Observations of low luminosity X-ray sources in Vela-Puppis
    Pravdo, S et al., STIN, 78, 20029 (1978)
  41. OSO-8 X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies. 2: Discussion
    Smith, B et al., STIN, 78, 28022 (1978)
  42. A 4.8 hour periodicity in the spectra of CYG X-3
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 78, 28023 (1978)
  43. X-ray observations of BL Lac objects
    Mushotzky, R et al., STIN, 78, 32016 (1978)
  44. High energy X-ray spectra of cygnus XR-1 observed from OSO-8
    Dolan, J et al., STIN, 78, 32017 (1978)
  45. X ray spectra of X Per
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 78, 34013 (1978)
  46. High energy X-ray and radio studies of Scorpius X-1
    Coe, M et al., STIN, 79, 28077 (1978)
  47. The fluctuating and isotropic components of the cosmic X-ray background
    Boldt, E et al., cosp meet (1978)
  48. Upper limits on the cyclotron lines from HER X-1 as observed with OSO-8
    Dennis, B et al., Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, 371 (1978)
  49. The OSO-8 Mosaic Graphite Stellar X-Ray Polarimeter
    Novick, R et al., nisa, symp, 127 (1978)
  50. X-Ray Spectra of Clusters of Galaxies from OSO-8
    Smith, B et al., BAAS, 9, 559 (1977)
  51. X-Ray Observations of NGC4151 and A2319 from OSO-8 and HEAO-1
    Mushotzky, R et al., BAAS, 9, 609 (1977)
  52. Observations of Celestial X-Ray Sources above 20 keV with the High-Energy Scintillation Spectrometer on Board OSO-8
    Crannell, C et al., ESASP, 124, 67 (1977)
  53. OSO-8 X-ray polarimeter and Bragg crystal spectrometer observations
    Novick, R et al., HiA, 4, 95 (1977)
  54. X-Ray Sources
    Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3078, 1 (1977)
  55. Observations of Cosmic X-Ray Sources Above 20 KeV from OSO-8 (Abstract)
    Dennis, B et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 160 (1977)
  56. The high energy X-ray spectrum of the Crab Nebula observed from OSO 8
    Dolan, J et al., STIN, 77, 18987 (1977)
  57. X-ray signatures: New time scales and spectral features
    Boldt, E, STIN, 77, 18988 (1977)
  58. OSO-8 X-ray observations of AM Herculis
    Swank, J et al., STIN, 77, 27050 (1977)
  59. The X-ray emitting galaxy Cen-A
    Mushotzky, R et al., STIN, 77, 34092 (1977)
  60. Extended observations of VELA X-1 by OSO-8
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 78, 17958 (1977)
  61. OSO-8 X-ray polarimeter and Bragg crystal spectrometer observations
    Novick, R et al., X-ray Binaries and Compact Objects, 95 (1977)
  62. OSO-8 observations of Cygnus XR-1
    Dolan, J et al., X-ray Binaries and Compact Objects, 99 (1977)
  63. The 30 to 200 keV X-Ray Spectrum of Cen A Measured from OSO-8
    Beall, J et al., BAAS, 8, 363 (1976)
  64. High-Resolution Bragg Crystal Spectroscopy of Cyg X-1, Cyg X-3, GX 5-1, and Cas A on OSO-8
    Kestenbaum, H et al., BAAS, 8, 364 (1976)
  65. X-Ray Burst Observations with OSO-8
    Swank, J et al., BAAS, 8, 364 (1976)
  66. The X-Ray Polarization Experiment on the OSO-8
    Novick, R et al., BAAS, 8, 439 (1976)
  67. The Spectrum of Cyg X-1 From OSO-8; November 7 to November 24, 1975
    Serlemitsos, P et al., BAAS, 8, 439 (1976)
  68. Observations of Cyg X-3 by the GSFC OSO-8 experiment
    Becker, R et al., BAAS, 8, 440 (1976)
  69. Stellar Crystal X-Ray Spectroscopy on OSO-8
    Kestenbaum, H et al., BAAS, 8, 440 (1976)
  70. OSO-8 Observations of X-Ray Sources Above 20 keV
    Dolan, J et al., BAAS, 8, 541 (1976)
  71. Observations of Cyg X-3 by the GSFC OSO-8 Experiment
    Becker, R et al., BAAS, 8, 440 (1976)
  72. OSO-8 Observations of X-Ray Spatial Structure
    Borken, R, BAAS, 8, 446 (1976)
  73. OSO-8 Soft X-Ray Source Studies
    Bunner, A, BAAS, 8, 330 (1976)
  74. Observations of Vela X-1 (3U0900-40) From OSO-8
    Rothschild, R et al., BAAS, 8, 440 (1976)
  75. Soft X-Ray Source Spectra from OSO-8
    Bunner, A, BAAS, 8, 447 (1976)
  76. X-Ray Bursts
    Becker, R et al., IAUC, 2953, 1 (1976)
  77. Stellar crystal X-ray spectroscopy on OSO-8
    Kestenbaum, H et al., NASSP, 389, 53 (1976)
  78. Cosmic X-ray observations with OSO-8
    Serlemitsos, P et al., NASSP, 389, 67 (1976)
  79. The X-ray polarization experiment on the OSO-8
    Weisskopf, M et al., NASSP, 389, 81 (1976)
  80. OSO-8 observations of Hercules X-1
    Pravdo, S et al., NASSP, 389, 161 (1976)
  81. OSO-8 GSFC results on Cen X-3
    Swank, J et al., NASSP, 389, 207 (1976)
  82. OSO-8 observing schedule for X-ray binaries
    Thomas, R, NASSP, 389, 729 (1976)
  83. The observation program for the GSFC cosmic X-ray spectroscopy experiment
    Becker, R et al., NASSP, 389, 737 (1976)
  84. A study of the cosmic sources of hard X-rays
    Dennis, B et al., NASSP, 389, 739 (1976)
  85. Iron line emission from a high temperature plasma in CAS A
    Pravdo, S et al., STIN, 76, 18008 (1976)
  86. X-ray observations of the VELA pulsar: Statistics and spectrum
    Pravdo, S et al., STIN, 76, 24097 (1976)
  87. X-ray emission from the supernova remnant G287.8-0.5
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 76, 27135 (1976)
  88. Variations in the spectra and pulse period of GX301-2
    Swank, J et al., STIN, 76, 28121 (1976)
  89. X-radiation from clusters of galaxies: Spectral evidence for a hot evolved gas
    Serlemitsos, P et al., STIN, 76, 32095 (1976)
  90. Spectra of HER X-1 near a turn-on in the 35-day cycle
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 77, 11935 (1976)
  91. Observations of Her X-1 by OSO-8
    Becker, R et al., BAAS, 7, 525 (1975)
  92. Observations of Cen X-3 by OSO-8
    Swank, J et al., BAAS, 7, 537 (1975)
  93. OSO-8 Observations of Optically Thin Lines
    Shine, R et al., BAAS, 7, 552 (1975)
  94. Hercules X-1
    Serlemitsos, P, IAUC, 2824, 1 (1975)
  95. The Last OSO Satellite
    Maran, S & Thomas, R, S&T, 49, 355 (1975)
  96. OSO-8 soft X-ray experiment (Wisconsin)
    Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Space Science and Engineering Center Report (1975)

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