OSO-8 Software: Example 1 - Extract a lightcurve from raw rates data
To extract a lightcurve from the raw rates data, use the task
osofindfast (step 1) and osorat (step 2).
Osofindfast, for a given sky position determines times when that position was
viewed by the A, B or C detector. This routine generates two output
files, one for the A and B and one for the C detector. The file names
listed are of the form oso8_csxabc_XXXX.fits where XXXX is the mission
day number since January 1975 and ranges from 176 to 1369. Osorat
operates on the raw rates data and extracts a 160 ms lightcurve.
Using osofindfast (step 1)
Run the perl script OSOFINDFAST. This script determines the days of
the mission when the source is MOST likely to be in the detector FOV
(the `good' observing days). For example, consider the source A0620
(coordinates R.A.(1950)=95.046, Dec (1950)=-0.32)
% osofindfast
Equinox [ 1950 ]:
Source RA [ 0 ]: 95.046
Source Dec. [ 0 ]: -0.32
Output listing filename: a0620
Output orbit file lists ? (y/n): n
Precessed RA and DEC values to 1975 epoch :
95.3653672590687 -0.332627716087411
Opening output list for C detector : a0620_c
Opening output list for A detector : a0620_a
** OSOFINDFAST.PL 1.0.0 finished **
% cat a0620_c
To check the stability of the pointing there are plots available in the
OSO-8 FTP area in the HEASARC archive.
For this observation the relevant plot is oso8_237_294_neg(pos).ps
Using osorat (step 2)
Run the ftool OSORAT. This tool will produce a background subtracted and
collimator-corrected light-curve only (integration time of each data bin is
160 millisecs).
% osorat
Equinox (d/f 1950)[1950]
RA in hh mm ss.s or degrees[95.046]
DEC in dd mm ss.s or degrees[-0.32]
Detector: 1, 2, or 3, for A, B, or C[3]
File containing list of input OSO-8 rates files[a0620_c]
Name of output file[a0620]
Open output file a0620_1
Detector DET-C
Calculating srce count corrns for lightcurve : a0620_1
**** OSORAT 1.3.0 finished *********
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Last modified: Tuesday, 21-Apr-2020 15:46:22 EDT