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For every requested pointing direction a target form must be filled out.
PSPC | HRI | WFC | Comments | |
PSPC+WFC | 1 | 0 | 2 | |
HRI+WFC | 0 | 1 | 2 | |
WFC+PSPC | 2 | 0 | 1 | only non-US proposers |
WFC+HRI | 0 | 2 | 1 | only non-US proposers |
For both the PSPC and the WFC, different filter settings can be chosen
(see Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
). However the number
of filter changes during the
execution of any ROR is limited to one for the PSPC. WFC filter changes
more frequent than about once per 1000 s should not normally be
requested; for a limited number of observations a higher frequency
may be permitted if judged to be of sufficient scientific merit.
The requested filter sequences can be specified in items 4. PSPC
Filter Sequence and 5. WFC Filter Sequence below
and will be scheduled - if at all possible
- in the order as specified by the guest investigator with the
percentages (in terms of total requested time) specified in the target form.
It is important to note that the specified sequence implies a priority
order. If the total time allocated to the proposal is reduced for
any reason (for example, by the decision of the selection committee), the
observation will be carried out with the times allocated to each filter
according to the requested percentages, unless the time implied falls
below the minimum time requested. In this case the specific filter
will not be selected and the total time will be distributed among the
remaining filters according to the percentages specified. Observers
who wish not to run the risk of an observation with any
particular filter being dropped out should specify a minimum useful
time of zero for all filters in the minimum time entry.
US proposers (who have no proprietary
data rights to the WFC) are encouraged but not requested to fill out
the WFC items.