Next: 8.4 Data Output of
Up: Standard Analysis Software System
Previous: SEQ Processing
The guest observer receives the data of his/her observation
from one of the two RSDCs as a set of data files depending
slightly on the used detector (PSPC or HRI):
- photon events
- with information about the time of arrival
(spacecraft clock), detector coordinates (x, y),
pulse height amplitude (PHA), normalized sky coordinates,
energy channel derived from PHA
- event rates
- exposure map
- background maps
- in the broad, soft, and hard energy band
- attitude data
- orbit data
- with the aspect solution
- accepted time intervals
- calibration data
- like effective area and
detector response matrix.
The corresponding files are delivered to the observer in FITS\
format on EXABYTE or DAT tapes, respectively.
Public data sets
are posted on an FTP server and can be accessed
via INTERNET (anonymous FTP or WWW).
The data sets can be directly used as input for the levelII S/W
systems EXSAS and PROS for a further detailed analysis.
In addition each data set delivered to the PI is accompanied
by print-outs which contain the most important results of
the SASS analysis (cf. The ROSAT Data Product Guide
[Downes et al.1994]):
- general information
- related to the spacecraft:
- pointing direction in equatorial and galactic sky coordinates
- number of observation intervals with their start/end times
- the total useful observation time
- the mean life time
- housekeeping information
- consisting of analogue values and status
of subystems:
- event rates of X-ray and SAA detector
- aspect solution history (RA, DEC, roll-angle error,
derived quality)
- accepted time history
- scientific results
- including:
- list of X-ray sources
- X-ray images in different energy bands and contour plots
- exposure and background maps
- overlay and list of SIMBAD sources
- X-ray spectra analyzed with a power law and Raymons-Smith
model spectrum
- spatial extent plots
- time analysis with plots of a light curve,
a Kolmogoroff-Smirnov test, and a fast Fourier transformation
- source properties
- derived for each X-ray source and collected
in a table with following columns:
- likelihood of detection
- sky position
- count rates of source and background
- exposure time
- spatial extent and its likelihood
- hardness ratios
- spectral fit parameters (temperature, power law index,
column density) and
- time variability
Next: 8.4 Data Output of
Up: Standard Analysis Software System
Previous: SEQ Processing
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