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The main objectives of the first all-sky survey in soft X-rays are
the creation of a catalogue with X-ray sources and their properties
and the generation of a sky map of the diffuse X-ray background.
SASS correlates the ROSAT all-sky survey sources (RASS)
recorded by the PSPC detector
with the about entries of the SIMBAD catalogue
as well as with 94 user-supplied catalogues
with approximately
These user-supplied catalogues --classified according to their
observation method (radio, IR, X-ray,
-ray band)
or their object class (stars, galaxies, cluster of galaxies,
supernova remnants, cataclysmic varables)--
are supplied by the ROSAT scientific working groups at MPE
to help in identifying the new X-ray sources.
In addition, for each RASS source finding charts are produced for
follow-up observations using the ROE/NRL object catalogue for the
southern sky (on-line) and the HST object catalogue for the
northern sky (off-line)