Up: Appendices
Previous: References
- abbreviations
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- absolute position
- Absolute Positions
- absorption trough feature
- MPE Notes on the
- accuracy
- boresighting
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration
- correlation S/C clock - UTC
- 3.8 Timing of the
- positional
- Positional Accuracy
- sky position
- D.2 Assessment
- spacecraft clock
- Time Variability Studies
- star trackers
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- tests
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- time
- Time Variability Studies
- X-ray system
- D.3 Performed Investigations | D.3 Performed Investigations
- acronyms
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- agreement
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Information Services
- Aitoff projection
- All-Sky Survey
- all-sky survey
- 1.1 Mission Overview | 1.1 Mission Overview | PerformanceVerification, and Calibration | All-Sky Survey
- catalogue
- 8.1 Purpose
- data output
- 8.4 Data Output of
- number of sources
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- operational test
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- sky strip
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- solar slew
- All-Sky Survey
- Al K
line - Four Positions
- Al K
line - Spectral Response
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- new software
- In-Orbit Performance
- non-redundant component
- In-Orbit Performance
- analysis
- Notes on the Spectral
- calibration data
- 3.7 Dead Time of | A.2 Important Dates
- diffuse background
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- 9.2 REV0 Data in | ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- extended objects
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- ghost images
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- N132D spectra
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- particle background
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- 9.2 REV0 Data in | ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- source detection
Existence of a | Detection of Previously
- spectral
- Notes on the Spectral | Notes on the Spectral
- spectral HRI data
- Spectral Response
- technical memos
- Memos
- angular resolution
- 1.1 Mission Overview | 2.4 Angular Resolution of | Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and | Mirrors
- announcements of opportunity
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- anonymous ftp account
- The ROSAT Anonymous FTP
- antenna system
- Command and Data Handling
- archive
- Standard Products of the
- Archived Data
- HEASARC Services
- internet
- World-Wide Web
- ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- ROSAT Data Archive
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- 92mar11 Matrix | 8.1 Purpose
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- attitude
- Attitude Measurement and Control | A.2 Important Dates
- control software
- In-Orbit Performance
- disabled wobble
- A.2 Important Dates
- failure
- Effective Area
- file
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- inaccuracy studies
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- incorrect star pattern
- A.2 Important Dates
- information
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- loss
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- measurement and control system
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- problems
- In-Orbit Performance
- safe mode
- A.2 Important Dates
- software patch
- A.2 Important Dates
- software update
- Command and Data Handling
- STC-2 loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- update
- A.2 Important Dates
- Y-gyro loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- Z-gyro failure
- A.2 Important Dates
- attitude solution
- assesment
- Assessment of Efforts to
- boresight studies
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- boresighting
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration
- correction algorithm
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- error
- Aspect Reconstruction and Attitude | Roll Angle
- fiducial light filter
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- improvement
- Assessment of Efforts to | D.2 Assessment
- new scale factor
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- position offset
- Roll Angle
- star catalogue entries
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- time-varying errors
- Absolute Positions
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- background
- after-pulses
- Other Possible Contributions to
- auroral induced X-ray
- Auroral Induced X-Ray Background
- cosmic rays
- Background
- cosmic X-ray
- Cosmic X-ray Background
- externally induced
- Background
- geocoronal
- Filters
- glow phenomenon
- Background
- Background
- internal background
- Background
- particle
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors | Particle Background
- 3.6 PSPC Background
- scattered solar X-ray
- Scattered Solar X-ray Background
- Background
- X-ray
- Background
- battery
- Overview
- Absolute Flux Calibration
- binning
- anode wire grid
- Spatial Variations
- detector response matrix
- Notes on the Spectral
- radial annuli
- Vignetting
- SASS channels
- Notes on the Spectral
- blur
- off-axis
- Off-Axis Blur of the
- radius
- Off-Axis Blur of the
- 1.1 Mission Overview | 1.1 Mission Overview | 1.1 Mission Overview
- boresight
- calibration
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration
- calibration results
- Boresight Calibration Results
- correction
- Boresight Calibration Results | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- error underestimation
- Boresight Calibration Results
- offset
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- result
- Boresight Calibration Results
- studies
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- boron filter
- convolution into response matrix
- 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- observation
- Spectral Response
- transmission
- Boron Filter | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- calibration
- absolute flux
- Absolute Flux Calibration
- boresight
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration
- in-flight
- Point Spread Function
- mission phase
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- observations
- Guide to PSPC Calibration
- PANTER test facility
- Reflectivity of Gold | Rate-Gain Effect
- tasks
- 7.1 PSPC Calibration Tasks
- calibration files
- Calibration Files for Standard
- calibration line
- Al K
- Temporal Gain Variations | Spectral Response Matrix
- Al K
- PSPC Gain
- Al K
- Gain Saturation
- Al K
- Temporal Gain Correction
- Al K
- Particle Background
- Al K
- F.1 Bin of Aluminum
- B K
- Temporal Gain Variations | Spectral Response Matrix
- Fe K
- Spectral Response Matrix
- monochromatic
- MPE Notes on the
- Si
- Spectral Response
- calibration phase
- PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- calibration source
- see calibration target
- calibration target
- 3C 272
- Absolute Flux Calibration
Dor - DorAur, EPS
Aur - DorAur, EPS
- A 2256
- Long-term stability | A 2256
- AR Lac
- Point Spread Function | AR Lac
- BPM 97895
- GD 695BPM 97895,
- Cas A
- Cas A
- Crab
- Rate-Gain Effect | MPE Notes on the | Crab
- Cyg X-2
- Point Spread Function | Cyg X-2
- Cyg X-3
- Cyg X-3
- EG 187
- GD 695BPM 97895,
- EPS Lyr
- DorAur, EPS
- GD 695
- GD 695BPM 97895,
- HZ 43
- Long-term stability | Spatial Variations in Effective | Spectral Response | HZ 43
- LMC X-1
- LMC X-1
- LMC X-3
- LMC X-3
- Meaty
- Spectral Response | Meaty
- Mkn 421
- Mkn 421
- N132D
- Absolute Flux Calibration | Long-term stability | Spectral Response | N132D
- Vega
- Long-term stability | UV Leak | CARLEO, and
- Vela X
- Vela X
- Cape Canaveral
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- see command and data handling system
- command and data handling system
- Command and Data Handling | Wide-Field Camera (WFC)
- comparison HRI ROSAT/Einstein
Comparison to the
- component
In-flight Point Spread
- background
- Background | Positional Accuracy | Background
- extended X-ray emission
- Point Spread Function
- far-UV
- UV Sensitivity
- loss of hardware
- Command and Data Handling
- magnetic vector
- Magnetometer
- XMA Scattering Profile | Off-Axis Blur of the
- wide-field camera
- 6.1 Description of the
- X-ray background
- Background | General Assumptions
- constraint
- atmospheric drag
- Atmospheric Drag
- Earth
- Earth Occultations
- Moon
- The Moon
- observing
- 1.4 Observing Constraints
- oygen
- Atomic Oxygen
- radiation belts
- The South Atlantic Anomaly
- South Atlantic Anomaly
- The South Atlantic Anomaly
- Sun
- The Sun
- X-ray sources
- Strong X-ray Sources
- coordinate frame
- astronomical
- Roll Angle
- equivalent polar
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- spacecraft
- ROSAT Coordinate System
- coordinate system
- cartesian relative
- Cartesian Relative Coordinate System | Cartesian Relative Coordinate System | Image Display Coordinate System
- celestial
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- celestial inertial reference frame
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- detector
- Positional Accuracy
- ecliptic
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- equatorial
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- image display
- Image Display Coordinate System | Image Display Coordinate System
- North/South
- Image Display Coordinate System
- spacecraft
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS) | Magnetometer | ROSAT Coordinate System | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- 2.5 XRT Coordinate Systems
- coordinates
- correction
- Large Scale Non-linearity (Window
- detector
- PSPC Readout System () | Positional Response for Events | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- sky
- Window Support Structure | Plate Scale
- Crab
- Rate-Gain Effect | MPE Notes on the | Spectral Response
- Crab Nebula
- MPE Notes on the | MPE Notes on the
- see sun sensor
- Assessment of Efforts to
- data
- 9.2 REV0 Data in | 9.2 REV0 Data in
- official archived products
- 9.1 Product Overview
- pointed observation
- 8.3 Data Set of
- 9.2 REV0 Data in | 9.2 REV0 Data in
- public
- 8.3 Data Set of
- RDF format
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- RDF products
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- responsibility
- 9.1 Product Overview
- REV0
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- REV1
- 9.3 REV1 Data in
- REV2
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- ROSAT archive
- 9.1 Product Overview
- storage
- Data Storage and Transmission
- transmission
- Data Storage and Transmission
- Data Products Guide
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- data rate
- Command and Data Handling
- database
- Summary of ROSAT On-line
- management system INGRES
- 8.2 System Design | F.1 Bin of Aluminum
- Summary of ROSAT On-line
- steering
- F.1 Bin of Aluminum
- dead time
- correction
- Event Timing
- Time Variability Studies
- loss
- Event Timing
- 3.7 Dead Time of
- Operational Modes
- Delta-II
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- detector
- 5.2 Performance of the
- map
- Vignetting | Total Spectral Response Effective
- Position-Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC)
- X-ray Transmission of the
- X-ray Transmission of the
- Detectors
- detector response matrix
- Gain Saturation
- fudged
- Caveat Emptor:
- Spectral Response Matrix
- MPE notes
- MPE Notes on the
- notes
- Notes on the Spectral
- PI channels
- For PROS users:
- Detector Response Matrices
- rebinning
- Notes on the Spectral
- SASS channels
- For PROS users:
- discriminator setting (PSPC)
- Ghost Images
- Earth occultations
- Earth Occultations
- ecliptic plane
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- effective area
- Einstein
Comparison to the
- Effective Area
- 3.3 Quantum Efficiency of
- Total Spectral Response Effective
- Effective Area
- 2.3 Effective Area of | Calculated Effective Area
- Reflectivity of Gold
- Einstein
- effective area
Comparison to the
- UV Response |
Comparison to the |
Comparison to the
- Observatory
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Detection of Previously
- PKS 2155-304 data
- MPE Notes on the
- RDF formats
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- Absolute Flux Calibration
- telescope
Comparison to the
- electron
- cloud
- Calibration Files for Standard
- primary
- Calibration Files for Standard
- energy resolution
- 3.4 Spectral Property of | MPE Notes on the | Background
- equatorial reference system
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- equinox
- Celestial Inertial Reference Frame
- error
- aspect
- On-Axis PSF | On-Axis PSF | Positional Accuracy | Aspect Reconstruction and Attitude | Exposure Map
- attitude
- Aspect Reconstruction and Attitude | Roll Angle
- boresight
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration | Boresight Calibration Results | Aspect Reconstruction and Attitude
- detector response
- Notes on the Spectral | MPE Notes on the
- figuring
- Point Spread Function
- gain
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- ground calibration
- MPE Notes on the
- linearisation
- Positional Accuracy
- magnetometer
- Magnetometer
- position
- A.2 Important Dates | Roll Angle
- PSPC timing
- 9.3 REV1 Data in
- random
- On-Axis PSF
- roll angle
- A.2 Important Dates | Roll Angle
- source
- 93jan12 Matrix
- star tracker
- Boresight Calibration Results
- statistical
- Spectral Response Matrix
- sun sensor
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- systematic
- Boresight Calibration Results | Vignetting | Spectral Response Matrix | Hardness Ratios | D.3 Performed Investigations
- time-varying
- Absolute Positions
- typographical
- XMA Scattering Profile
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- event
- see photon event
- event timing
- Event Timing
- 3.8 Timing of the
- Timing
- events
- A.2 Important Dates
- all-sky survey
- 1.1 Mission Overview | All-Sky Survey | A.2 Important Dates
- begin of HRI observations
- A.2 Important Dates
- end of PSPC observations
- A.2 Important Dates
- first light
- A.2 Important Dates
- launch
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- revive
- A.2 Important Dates
- Tausend und Eine Nacht
- A.2 Important Dates
- 92mar11 Matrix | 8.1 Purpose | 9.2 REV0 Data in | Information Services | ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- extended object
- sensitivity
- Background
- externally induced background
- Background
- fiducial light filter
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- field of view
- Field of View
- star tracker
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- Mirrors
- filter
- boron
- Boron Filter
- fiducial light
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- opaque
- Filters
- pointing (P1/P2)
- Filters
- Boron Filter
- survey (S1/S2)
- Filters
- UV
- Filters
- UV/ion
- General Assumptions
- Filters
- wheel
- Four Positions | Filters
- format
- 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- products
- 9.1 Product Overview
- flux
Flux of a
- Absolute Flux Calibration
- focal plane
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- focus effect
- Focus and Penetration Effects
- format
- 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- gain
- drift
- Filters
- maps
- Spatial Gain Variations
- PSPC Gain
- variation
- Spatial Variations | Spatial Variations | Spatial Variations | Temporal Gain Correction | Temporal Gain Correction | Spatial Gain Variations | B.2 Spectral
- gas control system
- Gas Control System
- density control
- Gas Control System | Gas Control System
- gas diffusion
- Gas Control System
- gas mixture
- Gas Control System
- gas tanks
- Gas Control System
- ghost images
- Positional Response for Events | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Ghost Images | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- Ginga
- MPE Notes on the
- ground station
- 1.1 Mission Overview | In-Orbit Performance
- contact
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- data transmission
- Data Storage and Transmission
- Oberpfaffenhofen
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Weilheim
- In-Orbit Performance
- E.2 On-Line Services at
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Assessment of Efforts to
- guest observer
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- gyro
- replacement
- Magnetometer
- gyros
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- S-gyro
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- X-gyro
- In-Orbit Performance | Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- Y-gyro
- In-Orbit Performance | Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- Z-gyro
- In-Orbit Performance | Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- HEASARC Services
- high voltage
- observations with ON/OFF occurrence
- High Voltage
- problem
- High Voltage
- high-resolution imager
- see HRI
- history
- mission
- Mission History
- processing
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- home page
- World-Wide Web
- hot spot
- Hot spot Appearance
- PSPC Gain
- 1.1 Mission Overview | High-Resolution Imager (HRI)
- absolute position
- Absolute Positions
- background
- Background
- comparison ROSAT/Einstein
Comparison to the
- count rate estimation
- General Assumptions
- dead time
- Time Variability Studies
- dead time correction
- Event Timing
- detector response matrix
- Spectral Response Matrix
- effective area
- Effective Area
- Einstein
- 5.2 Performance of the
- event timing
- Event Timing
- field of view
- Field of View
- flux
Flux of a
- gain variation
- Spatial Gain Variations
- high voltage increase
- High Voltage Increase
- hot spot
- Hot spot Appearance
- hot spot deleting
- Viewing and Deleting
- in-flight performance
In-flight Point Spread
- intrinsic resolution
- Pre-flight measurements
- long-term stability
- Long-term stability
- observation feasibility
- 5.3 Feasibility of Observations
- performance
- 5.2 Performance of the
- PHA distribution
- Spectral Response
- point source sensitivity
- Point Source Sensitivity
- point spread function
In-flight Point Spread
- quantum efficiency
- Off-axis Effective Area
- source count rate
- Source Count Rates
- spatial response
- Spatial Response
- spectral response
- Spectral Response
- time variability studies
- Time Variability Studies
- timing problem
- B.4 HRI Timing Problems
- UV leak
- UV Response
- UV sensitivity
- UV Response
- UV/ion filter
- General Assumptions
- in-orbit performance
- In-Orbit Performance | In-Orbit Performance
In-flight Point Spread
- 6.2 Performance of the
- information service
- Information Services
- HEASARC Services
- Information Services
- Information Services
- internal background
- Background
- internet
- World-Wide Web
- intrinsic resolution
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- Pre-flight measurements
- Intrinsic Resolution of the
- launch
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Space Shuttle
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- long-term stability (HRI)
- Long-term stability
- loss
- attitude
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- non-redundant AMCS component
- In-Orbit Performance
- observations
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- observing time
- A.2 Important Dates
- A.2 Important Dates
- S2a filter
- Filters | A.2 Important Dates
- star tracker STC-2
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- STC-2
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- WFC sensitivity
- Effective Area
- Y-gyro
- A.2 Important Dates
- magnetic field
- Magnetometer
- magnetometer
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS) | Magnetometer | Magnetometer
- microchannel plate
- 6.1 Description of the
- mini-survey
- PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- see mission information & planning system
- mirror
- blur term
- Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and
- projected geometric area
- Vignetting
- surface roughness
- XMA Scattering Profile
- Mirrors
- X-ray telescope
- 2.1 XRT Mirror Assembly
- mirror scattering
- Mirror Scattering | XMA Scattering Profile | On-Axis PSF
- angular resolution
- 2.4 Angular Resolution of
- energy dependence
- XMA Scattering Profile | On-Axis PSF
- off-axis angle dependence
- XMA Scattering Profile
- off-axis blur
- 2.4 Angular Resolution of
- small-angle
- Mirror Scattering
- mission
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Einstein
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- history
- Mission History
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- mission information & planning system
- Mission Information and Planning
- mission phase
- all-sky survey
- 1.1 Mission Overview | All-Sky Survey
- planned
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- pointed observation
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases | Pointed Observations
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases | PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- mode
- reduced-pointing
- In-Orbit Performance
- safe
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors
- Operational Modes
- wobble
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- 1.1 Mission Overview | A.1 General Spacecraft and | Assessment of Efforts to
- PANTER test facility
- Rate-Gain Effect | PSPC Spatial Resolution
- ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- Report
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- E.1 On-Line Services at
- 1.1 Mission Overview | A.1 General Spacecraft and
- Neuried
- XMA Scattering Profile
- Oberpfaffenhofen
- 1.1 Mission Overview | 8.1 Purpose
- occultation
- Earth
- Earth Occultations
- mesh grid wires
- Window Support Structure
- off-axis blur
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- on-line database
- Summary of ROSAT On-line
- on-line service
- E.2 On-Line Services at
- E.4 On-Line Services at
- E.1 On-Line Services at
- E.3 On-Line Services at
- opaque filter
- Filters
- operating system
- 8.2 System Design
- oversampling
- Notes on the Spectral
- oxygen
- absorption trough feature
- MPE Notes on the
- atomic
- Atomic Oxygen | Scattered Solar X-ray Background | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- edge
- Cyg X-2
- impurities
- X-ray Transmission of the
- particle flux
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- P1/P2 filter
- Filters
- PANTER test facility
- PSPC calibration
- Rate-Gain Effect | 93jan12 Matrix | PSPC Spatial Resolution
- XMA calibration
- PSPC Spatial Resolution
- payload
- Overview
- penetration effect
- Focus and Penetration Effects
- performance
- In-Orbit Performance
- 5.2 Performance of the
- mission phase
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- 3.2 Operation
- PHA distribution (HRI)
- Spectral Response
- phase-A
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- photon
- absorbed
- Spatial Variations
- arrival time
- Time Variability Studies
- energy
- 3.2 Operation
- far-UV
- UV Sensitivity
- index
- Rate-Gain Effect | MPE Notes on the
- K-shell
- Four Positions
- opaque filter
- Filters
- pulse height
- Dependence on Pulse Height
- radial struts interference
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- redistribution
- Notes on the Spectral
- redistribution matrix
- Method of Determination | 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- resonantly scattered
- Background
- X-ray
- Calculated Effective Area | 3.2 Operation | 3.2 Operation | After-pulses
- UV Sensitivity
- photon event
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- low pulse height
- After-pulses
- position
- Calibration Files for Standard
- signal
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- Calibration Files for Standard
- PI
- see pulse height, invariant channel
- PI
- see principle investigator
- point source
- detection cell
- General Assumptions
- image
- Focus and Penetration Effects | Focus and Penetration Effects | On-Axis PSF
- mesh shadowing
- Window Support Structure
- off-axis
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Off-Axis PSF
- sensitivity
- Background | Point Source Sensitivity
- surface brightness distribution
In-flight Point Spread
- point spread function
In-flight Point Spread
- parameter determination
- XMA Scattering Profile
- Point Spread Function | Point Spread Function
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- pointed observation
- Pointed Observations
- data set
- 8.3 Data Set of
- operational test
- 1.3 Planned Mission Phases
- phase
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- public
- 8.3 Data Set of
- pointing
- A.2 Important Dates
- position-sensitive proportional counter
- see PSPC
- positional accuracy
- 3.5 Positional Property of
- Positional Accuracy
- precession
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- prephase-A
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Prescott function
- F.1 Bin of Aluminum
- principle investigator
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Boresight Calibration Results | Spectral Response | 9.1 Product Overview
- problem
- attitude
- Aspect Reconstruction and Attitude
- exposure map
- Exposure Map
- ghost images
- Ghost Images
- high voltage
- High Voltage
- HRI timing
- B.4 HRI Timing Problems
- PSPC timing
- B.3 PSPC Timing Problems
- roll angle error
- Roll Angle
- temporal gain variation
- B.2 Spectral
- unresolved
- B.5 Warning: Unresolved Problems
- processing
- OBI Processing
- SAV Processing
- SEQ Processing
- TEL Processing
- processor system
- Command and Data Handling
- products
- archive release
- 9.3 REV1 Data in
- Data Products Guide
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- RDF format
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- REV0
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- REV1
- 9.3 REV1 Data in | 9.4 REV2 Data in
- standard
- Standard Products of the
- typical data sets
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- profile
- radial
- Vignetting | Focus and Penetration Effects | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Focus and Penetration Effects
- scattering
- XMA Scattering Profile | 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- 92mar11 Matrix | For PROS users: | 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC | 8.1 Purpose | 9.2 REV0 Data in | ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- see point spread function
- Position-Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) | 3.1 PSPC Overview
- ADC nonlinearities
- ADC Non-linearities
- after-pulses
- Other Possible Contributions to
- anode
- 3.1 PSPC Overview
- background
- 3.6 PSPC Background
- behaviour of background
- PSPC Gas Flow
- boron filter
- Boron Filter
- calibration sources
- Four Positions
- carbon window
- Boron Filter
- cathode
- 3.1 PSPC Overview
- cosmic X-ray background
- Cosmic X-ray Background
- dead time
- 3.7 Dead Time of
- detector response matrix
- Detector Response Matrices | MPE Notes on the | Caveat Emptor:
- detectors actually flown
- X-ray Transmission of the
- discriminator setting
- Ghost Images
- effective area
- 3.3 Quantum Efficiency of | Total Spectral Response Effective
- electronics
- PSPC Electronics
- energy resolution
- 3.4 Spectral Property of
- energy/PHA relation
- Method of Determination
- entrance window
- UV Transmission of the
- event timing
- 3.8 Timing of the
- filter wheel
- Four Positions
- flux calibration
- Absolute Flux Calibration
- gain
- PSPC Gain
- gain corrections
- Temporal Gain Correction
- gain saturation
- Gain Saturation
- gain variations
- Spatial Variations
- gas control system
- Gas Control System
- ghost images
- Positional Response for Events
- induced X-ray background
- Auroral Induced X-Ray Background
- intrinsic resolution
- Intrinsic Resolution of the
- loss of electrons
- Low Pulse Height Tails
- loss of secondary electrons
- Low Pulse Height Tails
- particle background
- Particle Background
- performance
- 3.2 Operation
- PHA channels
- Spatial Variations
- point spread function
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- positional accuracy
- 3.5 Positional Property of
- PSPC-C loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- pulse height distribution
- Spatial Variations
- quantum efficiency
- 3.3 Quantum Efficiency of
- regulating valve
- PSPC Gas Flow
- scattered solar X-ray background
- Scattered Solar X-ray Background
- spatial response
- PSPC Spatial Resolution
- timing problem
- B.3 PSPC Timing Problems
- UV quantum efficiency
- UV Transmission of the
- UV transmission
- UV Transmission of the
- window
- PSPC Entrance Windows
- window support structure
- Window Support Structure
- X-ray transmission
- X-ray Transmission of the
- pulse height
- after-pulse
- After-pulses
- Al K
line - F.1 Bin of Aluminum
- intermediate-processing channel
- Spatial Variations
- invariant channel
- Spatial Variations | For PROS users:
- PHA channel
- Spatial Variations | After-pulses
- PI bins
- For PROS users:
- PI channel
- Temporal Gain Correction | For PROS users: | A.2 Important Dates | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- quantum efficiency
- Off-axis Effective Area
- 3.3 Quantum Efficiency of
- Detectors | Spatial Variations in Effective
- radiation belts
- The South Atlantic Anomaly
- rationalized data file
- see RDF
- Standard Products of the | 9.1 Product Overview | 9.4 REV2 Data in | ROSAT Data Archive (RDA)
- official constitution
- 9.1 Product Overview
- REV0
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- REV1
- 9.3 REV1 Data in
- REV2
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- FITS format
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- format
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- reaction wheel
- Attitude Measurement and Control | In-Orbit Performance
- reduced-pointing mode
- In-Orbit Performance
- reflectivity
- Au-M edge
- MPE Notes on the
- high-energy cut-off
- Mirrors
- mirror assembly
- Spatial Variations in Effective
- X-ray enhancement
- 2.1 XRT Mirror Assembly
- Reflectivity of Gold
- report
- A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- status
- Boresight Calibration Results | ROSAT Status Reports | Summary of ROSAT On-line
- V&V
- 9.2 REV0 Data in | 9.2 REV0 Data in
- resolution
- angular
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and
- detector image
- Viewing and Deleting
- electronic
- Time Variability Studies
- energy
- 3.4 Spectral Property of | MPE Notes on the | Background
- ghost image
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- image
- Pre-flight measurements
- intrinsic
- Intrinsic Resolution of the | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and
- positional
- Pre-flight measurements
- spatial
- PSPC Spatial Resolution | PSPC Spatial Resolution | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and | Off-Axis PSF
- spectral
- Four Positions | Boron Filter | 3.4 Spectral Property of | Notes on the Spectral | A.2 Important Dates
- time
- Time Variability Studies
- roll angle error
- Roll Angle
- Overview
- all-sky survey
- 1.1 Mission Overview | All-Sky Survey | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- antenna system
- Command and Data Handling
- attitude solution
- Assessment of Efforts to
- begin of HRI observations
- A.2 Important Dates
- data archive
- ROSAT Data Archive (RDA) | E.3 On-Line Services at | ROSAT Data Archive
- data centre
- Summary of ROSAT On-line
- data rate
- Command and Data Handling
- database
- Summary of ROSAT On-line
- end of PSPC observations
- A.2 Important Dates
- events
- A.2 Important Dates
- first light
- A.2 Important Dates
- Forum
- ROSAT Newsletters
- important dates
- A.2 Important Dates
- launch
- 1.1 Mission Overview | A.2 Important Dates
- memos
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- mini-survey
- A.2 Important Dates
- mission
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Newsletters
- ROSAT Newsletters
- notes
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- OBC glitch
- A.2 Important Dates
- operational difficulties
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- payload
- Overview
- PSPC-C loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- PVC observations
- PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- reduced pointing
- A.2 Important Dates
- revive
- A.2 Important Dates
- S2a filter loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors
- Sun-slew
- X-ray Transmission of the
- Tausend und Eine Nacht
- A.2 Important Dates
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- ROSAT data archive
- see RDA
- ROSAT Forum
- ROSAT Newsletters
- ROSAT launch
- A.2 Important Dates
- ROSAT Newsletters
- ROSAT Newsletters
- 8.1 Purpose | E.1 On-Line Services at | E.2 On-Line Services at
- S1/S2 filter
- Filters
- S2a filter loss
- A.2 Important Dates
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors
- safe mode
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors
- Standard Analysis Software System
- pipeline processing
- 8.2 System Design
- REV0
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- REV1
- 9.3 REV1 Data in
- REV2
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- satellite
- Overview
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- Einstein
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- payload
- Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- scan law
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- scattering
- mirror
- Mirror Scattering | On-Axis PSF | On-Axis PSF
- profile
- XMA Scattering Profile
- small-angle
- Mirror Scattering
- Sco X-1
- Strong X-ray Sources
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- sky strip
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- solar panels
- Overview | The Sun
- solar slew
- All-Sky Survey
- source
- absorbed source
- Expected Count Rates
- accessibility
- Time Variability Studies
- analysis results
- 9.4 REV2 Data in
- artificial temporal variations
- Window Support Structure
- blackbody
- UV Sensitivity | UV Sensitivity
- bright optical
- The Moon
- bright X-ray
- Point Spread Function
- calibration
- MPE Notes on the | 7.2 Calibration Target Notes | A.2 Important Dates
- catalogue
- A.2 Important Dates
- Co-60
- Particle Background Reduction Method
- constant X-ray
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- count rate
- Source Count Rates
- detection
- Detection of Previously
- Filters | Timing
- event rate
- Time Variability Studies
- existence
Existence of a
- expected position
- D.1 System Specification
- extended X-ray
- Cyg X-2
- false
- Detection of Previously
- featureless
- 93jan12 Matrix
- fluorescent X-ray
- X-ray Transmission of the
- flux
Flux of a
- forbidden
- Strong X-ray Sources
- Galactic
- Point Spread Function
- list
- 9.2 REV0 Data in
- monochromatic X-ray
- Method of Determination
- on-board calibration
- 3.4 Spectral Property of
- optical position
- D.2 Assessment | D.2 Assessment
- periodic obscuration
- Window Support Structure
- selected bright X-ray
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- sensitivity
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Point Source Sensitivity
- Boresight Calibration Results | 9.2 REV0 Data in | 9.2 REV0 Data in
- soft X-ray
- Ghost Images | Cyg X-2
- strong X-ray
- Strong X-ray Sources
- survey detections
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- UV
- UV Leak
- variability
- Time Variability Studies
- viewing times
- Time Variability Studies
- South Atlantic Anomaly
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors | The South Atlantic Anomaly
- Space Shuttle
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- spacecraft
- Overview
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- antenna system
- Command and Data Handling
- Command and Data Handling
- coarse sun sensor
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- coordinate system
- ROSAT Coordinate System
- degraded X-gyro
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- gyros
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- launch
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- magnetometer
- Magnetometer
- operation
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- operational difficulties
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- reaction wheel
- Attitude Measurement and Control | In-Orbit Performance
- S-gyro
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors
- solar panels
- The Sun
- status
- A.1 General Spacecraft and
- uncontrolled
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- XRT star trackers (STC)
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- Y-gyro loss
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- Z-gyro
- In-Orbit Performance
- Z-gyro loss
- Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- spatial resolution
- PSPC Spatial Resolution | PSPC Spatial Resolution | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | 4.1 Spatial Resolution | Gaussian Intrinsic Resolution and | Off-Axis PSF
- spatial response
- Spatial Response
- PSPC Spatial Resolution
- Point Spread Function
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- spectral resolution
- Four Positions | Boron Filter | 3.4 Spectral Property of | Notes on the Spectral | A.2 Important Dates
- spectral response
- Spectral Response
- 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- standard analysis software system
- see SASS
- star tracker
- D.3 Performed Investigations
- field of view
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- loss of STC-2
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- software improvement
- In-Orbit Performance
- XRT Star Trackers (STC)
- status
- instrument
- A.1 General Spacecraft and
- report
- ROSAT Status Reports
- spacecraft
- A.1 General Spacecraft and
- Sun
- The Sun
- sun sensor
- In-Orbit Performance | Coarse Sun Sensor (CSS)
- support structure
- PSPC window
- Window Support Structure
- XMA Support Structure
- survey
- all-sky
- 1.1 Mission Overview | PerformanceVerification, and Calibration | Mirrors | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates | A.2 Important Dates
- mini
- PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- tape recorder
- Command and Data Handling | Data Storage and Transmission | Operational Modes
- target
- acquisition
- Magnetometer
- calibration
- 93jan12 Matrix
- forbidden
- Strong X-ray Sources
- Sco X-1
- Strong X-ray Sources
- telecommands
- Data Storage and Transmission
- temporal resolution
- Time Variability Studies
- time variability studies
- Time Variability Studies
- timing
- Event Timing
- 3.8 Timing of the
- Timing
- transmission
- best-fit curves
- X-ray Transmission of the
- boron filter
- Boron Filter | Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- entrance window
- Calibration-related Memos and Publications
- far-UV
- UV Sensitivity
- secondary
- Effective Area
- UV
- X-ray Transmission of the | UV Transmission of the
- window
- X-ray Transmission of the | UV Transmission of the | UV Transmission of the | MPE Notes on the | Total Spectral Response Effective
- window support mesh
- 3.3 Quantum Efficiency of | 4.2 Mirror plus PSPC
- window support structure
- Window Support Structure
- X-ray
- X-ray Transmission of the
- U.K.
- A.1 General Spacecraft and
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- E.3 On-Line Services at
- University of Leicester
- 1.1 Mission Overview | E.3 On-Line Services at
- UV filter
- Filters
- UV leak
- UV Leak
- UV Response
- UV Sensitivity
- UV sensitivity
- UV Response
- UV Sensitivity
- UV transmission
- X-ray Transmission of the | UV Transmission of the | UV Transmission of the
- verification phase
- PerformanceVerification, and Calibration
- viewing times
- Time Variability Studies
- vignetting
- Spatial Variations in Effective
- Vignetting
- Weilheim
- In-Orbit Performance | A.2 Important Dates
- 1.1 Mission Overview | Wide-Field Camera (WFC) | 6.1 Description of the
- all-sky survey
- Mirrors
- angular resolution
- Mirrors
- background
- Background
- dead time
- Operational Modes
- detector
- Detectors
- detector efficiency
- Spatial Variations in Effective
- effective area
- Effective Area
- field of view
- Mirrors
- filter
- Filters
- filter wheel
- Filters
- in-orbit performance
- 6.2 Performance of the
- mirror
- Mirrors
- mirror vignetting
- Spatial Variations in Effective
- on-line archive
- Archived Data
- opaque filter
- Filters
- operatinal mode
- Operational Modes
- point spread function
- Point Spread Function
- pointing filter P1/P2
- Filters
- positional accuracy
- Positional Accuracy
- quantum efficiency
- Detectors | Spatial Variations in Effective
- sensitivity loss
- Effective Area
- survey filter S1/S2
- Filters
- timing
- Timing
- UV filter
- Filters
- UV leak
- UV Sensitivity
- UV sensitivity
- UV Sensitivity
- zoom
- Operational Modes
- wide-field camera
- see WFC
- window
- carbon
- Boron Filter
- electronic
- Operational Modes
- PSPC Entrance Windows
- support structure
- Window Support Structure
- UV transmission
- UV Transmission of the
- X-ray transmission
- X-ray Transmission of the
- wobble
- Attitude Measurement and Control | Wobble Mode | Window Support Structure
- amplitude/time variation
- Temporal Response
- count rate variation
- Time Variability Studies
- disabled
- A.2 Important Dates
- effect reduction
- 4.1 Spatial Resolution
- ellipsoidal images
- On-Axis PSF
- HRI gain
- Spatial Gain Variations
- mode
- Attitude Measurement and Control | Wobble Mode
- modulation
- Temporal Response
- quantum-efficiency variations
- Attitude Measurement and Control
- window support structure
- Wobble Mode
- wire mesh
- Wobble Mode
- world-wide web
- World-Wide Web
- World-Wide Web | E.1 On-Line Services at | E.2 On-Line Services at | E.3 On-Line Services at
- X-ray background
- Background
- 3.6 PSPC Background
- X-ray mirror assembly
- 2.1 XRT Mirror Assembly
- X-ray telescope
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- angular resolution
- 2.4 Angular Resolution of
- boresight calibration
- 2.2 XMA/Detector Boresight Calibration
- coordinate systems
- 2.5 XRT Coordinate Systems
- effective area
- 2.3 Effective Area of | Calculated Effective Area
- high-resolution imager
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- magnetic deflector
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- mirror assembly
- 2.1 XRT Mirror Assembly
- mirror scattering
- Mirror Scattering
- off-axis blur
- Off-Axis Blur of the
- off-axis rays
- Vignetting
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- reflectivity of gold
- Reflectivity of Gold
- scattering profile
- XMA Scattering Profile
- South Atlantic anomaly detectors
- X-ray Telescope (XRT)
- support structure
- XMA Support Structure
- vignetting
- Vignetting
- see X-ray mirror assembly
- 1.1 Mission Overview
- see X-ray telescope
- XUV data archive
- E.4 On-Line Services at
- zoom
- Operational Modes
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