The SAS-2 Bibliography: Refereed Journals

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  1. History of gamma-ray telescopes and astronomy
    Pinkau, K, ExA, 25, 157 (2009)
  2. EGRET gamma-ray blazars: luminosity function and contribution to the extragalactic gamma-ray background
    Mukherjee, R & Chiang, J, APh, 11, 213 (1999)
  3. The proper motion of Geminga’s optical counterpart
    Bignami, G et al., Natur, 361, 704 (1993)
  4. SIGMA observation of a steep spectral shape in NGC 4151 above 35keV
    Jourdain, E et al., A&A, 256, L38 (1992)
  5. Detection of High-Energy Gamma Radiation from Quasar 3C 279 by the EGRET Telescope on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
    Hartman, R et al., ApJL, 385, L1 (1992)
  6. SAS 2 Observation of Pulsed High-Energy Gamma Radiation from Geminga
    Mattox, J et al., ApJL, 401, L23 (1992)
  7. The two high latitude COS-B γ-ray sources observed by SAS-2 in the >100 MeV energy range
    Yu, K, Ap&SS, 181, 261 (1991)
  8. Simultaneous Correlation Analysis of Combined Gamma-Ray Data
    Yu, K, ApJ, 382, 647 (1991)
  9. The estimation of background production by cosmic rays in high-energy gamma-ray telescopes
    Edwards, H et al., ITNS, 38, 553 (1991)
  10. A search for gamma-ray signals from NGC 4151, 3C 273, and Cen-A by bootstrap sampling the SAS-2 data
    Yu, K, Ap&SS, 174, 315 (1990)
  11. The AGNs and the extragalactic gamma ray background
    Young, E & Yu, K, NuPhS, 10, 207 (1989)
  12. Cosmic ray spectra and galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission
    Dogiel, V & Uryson, A, A&A, 197, 335 (1988)
  13. Periodicity Search in Sources with Low Count Rate
    Gurin, L et al., Ap&SS, 147, 307 (1988)
  14. Cosmic gamma rays from active galactic nuclei
    Young, E & Yu, K, VA, 31, 579 (1988)
  15. Reexamination of the SAS 2 Cygnus X-3 Data
    Fichtel, C et al., ApJ, 319, 362 (1987)
  16. Search for very-high-energy gamma-rays from the galactic disk
    Morello, C et al., NCimC, 10, 37 (1987)
  17. The galactic gamma-ray distribution - Implications for galactic structure and the radial cosmic-ray gradient
    Harding, A & Stecker, F, ApJ, 291, 471 (1985)
  18. High energy gamma ray observatories for the study of cosmic ray electrons above 1014 eV
    Stephens, S & Balasubrahmanyan, V, NIMPA, 241, 257 (1985)
  19. Statistical significance of the 59-s periodicity of Geminga and 1EO630 + 178
    Buccheri, R et al., Natur, 316, 131 (1985)
  20. Cygnus X-3 not Seen at High-Energy Gamma-Rays
    Hermsen, W, SSRv, 40, 313 (1985)
  21. Cosmic ray gradients in the galaxy
    Bhat, C et al., A&A, 140, 284 (1984)
  22. Studies of high-latitude gamma rays
    Strong, A, AdSpR, 3, 1087 (1984)
  23. Evidence for an increasing 59 S period in the X-ray emission from Geminga
    Bignami, G et al., NCimC, 7, 756 (1984)
  24. Supplementary information for some gamma-ray bursts by SAS-2 anticoincidence dome data
    Ozel, M et al., A&A, 118, 114 (1983)
  25. Galactic gamma radiation : the contribution from discrete sources
    Houston, B & Wolfendale, A, A&A, 126, 22 (1983)
  26. Searches for gamma ray emission from radio pulsars
    Thompson, D et al., A&A, 127, 220 (1983)
  27. Prospects in instrumentation for future space experiments
    Ramsden, D, AdSpR, 3, 0431 (1983)
  28. Large-scale structure of the Galaxy and high-energy gamma-ray observations
    Mayer-Hasselwander, H, SSRv, 36, 223 (1983)
  29. Gamma-Ray Astronomy
    Houston, B & Wolfendale, A, IrAJ, 15, 181 (1982)
  30. High-Energy Astrophysical Gamma-Ray Production in Gases and Solids
    Morris, D, PhD Thesis, 2 (1982)
  31. Search for gamma-radiation from extragalactic objects using a likelihood method
    Pollock, A et al., A&A, 94, 116 (1981)
  32. The diffuse galactic gamma radiation - The Compton contribution and component separation by energy interval and galactic coordinates
    Kniffen, D & Fichtel, C, ApJ, 250, 389 (1981)
  33. The propagation of extra-relativistic cosmic ray electron in the interstellar medium
    Zhang, H et al., ChJSS, 1, 15 (1981)
  34. SAS 2 Observations of the Earth Albedo Gamma Radiation Above 35 MeV
    Thompson, D et al., JGR, 86, 1265 (1981)
  35. The γ -ray Emissivity of the Local Interstellar Medium from Correlations with Gas at Intermediate Latitudes
    Strong, A & Wolfendale, A, RSPTA, 301, 541 (1981)
  36. Diffuse gamma rays and galactic hydrogen distribution
    Ozel, M, A&A, 81, 33 (1980)
  37. Distribution of cosmic-ray electrons in the Galaxy
    Issa, M et al., Natur, 287, 810 (1980)
  38. The large scale structure of the galactic gamma-ray emissivity
    Caraveo, P & Paul, J, A&A, 75, 340 (1979)
  39. Gas, dust, high energy particles and star formation in the Galactic Center
    Audouze, J et al., A&A, 80, 276 (1979)
  40. Galactic plane gamma-radiation
    Hartman, R et al., ApJ, 230, 597 (1979)
  41. Galaxies and gamma-ray astronomy
    Bignami, G et al., ApJ, 232, 649 (1979)
  42. The use of drift chambers in a telescope for high energy gamma-ray astronomy
    McKechnie, S et al., SSI, 5, 81 (1979)
  43. The Gamma-Ray Luminosity of Spiral Galaxies. Its Evolution and its Contribution to the Diffuse Background above 100 MeV
    Lichti, G et al., Ap&SS, 56, 403 (1978)
  44. Bremsstrahlung Gamma Radiation and Interstellar Electron Spectrum in the Local Interstellar Medium
    Cesarsky, C et al., Ap&SS, 59, 73 (1978)
  45. Diffuse gamma radiation
    Fichtel, C et al., ApJ, 222, 833 (1978)
  46. COS-B observations of localised high-energy gamma-ray emission from the anticentre region of the galactic disc
    Bennett, K et al., A&A, 56, 469 (1977)
  47. Cosmic rays, spiral structure and molecular clouds in the Galaxy
    Cesarsky, C et al., A&A, 60, 139 (1977)
  48. Observations of galactic gamma-rays and their implications for galactic structure studies
    Stecker, F, ApJ, 212, 60 (1977)
  49. Observation of gamma rays with a 4.8 hour periodicity from Cygnus X-3
    Lamb, R et al., ApJL, 212, L63 (1977)
  50. Final SAS-2 gamma-ray results on sources in the galactic anticenter region
    Thompson, D et al., ApJ, 213, 252 (1977)
  51. SAS-2 high-energy gamma-ray observations of the Vela pulsar. II
    Thompson, D et al., ApJL, 214, L17 (1977)
  52. The galactic halo question: new size constraints from galactic gamma -ray data
    Stecker, F & Jones, F, ApJ, 217, 843 (1977)
  53. SAS-2 observations of the diffuse gamma radiation in the galactic latitude interval from 10 to 90 deg in both hemispheres
    Fichtel, C et al., ApJL, 217, L9 (1977)
  54. Gamma rays from accreting black holes
    Maraschi, L & Treves, A, ApJL, 218, L113 (1977)
  55. Saturation effects in OH maser clouds
    Davies, R et al., MNRAS, 181, 83 (1977)
  56. Cosmic gamma rays
    Hillas, M, NewSc, 74, 194 (1977)
  57. Galactic structure and gamma radiation
    Casse, M et al., Rech, 8, 112 (1977)
  58. Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
    Fichtel, C, SSRv, 20, 191 (1977)
  59. The structure of the galactic disk and its implications for Gamma-ray astronomy
    Fuchs, B et al., ApJ, 206, 589 (1976)
  60. Gamma-ray production by the inverse Compton process in interstellar space
    Shukla, P & Paul, J, ApJ, 208, 893 (1976)
  61. A search of the SAS-2 data for pulsed gamma-ray emission from radio pulsars
    Ogelman, H et al., ApJ, 209, 584 (1976)
  62. SAS-2 Gamma-Ray Observations of PSR 1747-46
    Thompson, D et al., ApL, 17, 173 (1976)
  63. The distribution of γ-ray emissivity in the Galaxy
    Strong, A & Worrall, D, JPhA, 9, 823 (1976)
  64. Steepening of the γ-ray background spectrum from local γ-ray production
    Schlickeiser, R & Thielheim, K, Natur, 261, 478 (1976)
  65. Recent developments in astronomy
    de Graaff, W, Ruimt, 25, 37 (1976)
  66. Diffuse Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background in the 28 keV-4. 1 MeV Range from Kosmos 461 Observations
    Mazets, E et al., Ap&SS, 33, 347 (1975)
  67. Upper limits of hard gamma-ray emission from six X-ray sources
    Campbell, M et al., ApJ, 196, 593 (1975)
  68. High-energy gamma-ray results from the second Small Astronomy Satellite
    Fichtel, C et al., ApJ, 198, 163 (1975)
  69. High-energy galactic gamma radiation from cosmic rays concentrated in spiral arms
    Bignami, G et al., ApJ, 199, 54 (1975)
  70. SAS-2 high-energy gamma-ray observations of the Vela pulsar
    Thompson, D et al., ApJL, 200, L79 (1975)
  71. Derivation of γ-ray emissivity in the Galaxy from satellite data
    Strong, A, JPhA, 8, 617 (1975)
  72. Observations of low energy gamma-ray bursts with SAS-2
    Oegelman, H et al., Natur, 255, 208 (1975)
  73. The diffuse cosmic gamma rays
    Daniel, R & Lavakare, P, Prama, 5, 107 (1975)
  74. Some aspects of the origin of cosmic rays
    Worrall, D & Wolfendale, A, VA, 19, 277 (1975)
  75. Possible Evidence for Structured Acceleration of Cosmic Rays on a Galactic Scale from Recent γ-RAY Observations
    Stecker, F et al., ApJL, 188, L59 (1974)
  76. SAS-2 Observations of the High-Energy Gamma Radiation from the VELA Region
    Thompson, D et al., ApJL, 190, L51 (1974)
  77. The Distribution of Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy and Their Dynamics as Deduced from Recent V-Ray Observations
    Puget, J & Stecker, F, ApJ, 191, 323 (1974)
  78. Where are they Now? Cosmic Rays from Supernovae
    Higdon, J, PhD Thesis, 8 (1974)
  79. Spiral structure and galactic gamma radiation
    Schlickeiser, R & Thielheim, K, PhLB, 53, 369 (1974)
  80. Celestial Diffuse Gamma Radiation above 30 MeV Observed by SAS-2
    Fichtel, C et al., ApJL, 186, L99 (1973)
  81. SAS-2 Observations of Gamma Rays from the Galactic Plane
    Kniffen, D et al., ApJL, 186, L105 (1973)

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