Uhuru Bibliography: Non-refereed publications

artist concept of Uhuru
  1. A Tribute to Riccardo Giacconi
    Jones, C, HEAD, 17, 20201 (2019)
  2. On the nature of the 35-day cycle in the X-ray binary Her X-1/HZ Her
    Shakura, N et al., IAUS, 346, 281 (2019)
  3. Study of the 35-Day Cycle of the Binary X-ray System of Her X-1 = HZ Her Based on the Broadband Photometric Long-Term Observations
    Shakura, N et al., Modern Star Astronomy, 308 (2018)
  4. From Uhuru at CfA to SAS-3 at MIT: Looking for X-Ray Binaries in all the Right Places
    Cominsky, L, AAS, 221, 11303 (2013)
  5. The Discovery of X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei
    Elvis, M, AAS, 221, 11304 (2013)
  6. Technological and Scientific Advances from Uhuru to Chandra
    Jones, C, AAS, 221, 11306 (2013)
  7. Origins of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Mission
    Lamb, F, AAS, 221, 11307 (2013)
  8. Memoriam for David G. Koch, 1945-2012
    Borucki, W, AAS, 221, 21601 (2013)
  9. The Formation and Early Evolution of Stars
    Schulz, N, fees book (2012)
  10. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Fourth UHURU Catalogue (4U) (Forman+ 1978)
    Forman, W et al., yCat, 9004, 0 (2012)
  11. Fast Time Variability in accreting Black Holes: 35 Years later
    Belloni, T, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 228 (2008)
  12. Obituary: Herbert Gursky, 1930-2006
    Doschek, G & Dahlburg, J, BAAS, 39, 1060 (2007)
  13. Correction: Rapid Burster = MXB 1730-335
    Kretschmar, P et al., ATel, 598, 1 (2005)
  14. Riccardo Giacconi to Receive National Medal of Science
    nrao, pres, 7 (2005)
  15. Close Encounters of the Stellar Kind
    cxo, pres, 15 (2003)
  16. X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy in Space
    Schnopper, H, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 7002 (2002)
  17. A search for new galactic microquasars
    Tsarevsky, G et al., ASPC, 261, 301 (2002)
  18. Astrophysical X-Ray Spectroscopy: Then, Then Again, and Now
    Kahn, S, High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with XMM-Newton and Chandra, 20 (2002)
  19. X0922-314: a Neglected, Persistent X-Ray Source in the Galaxy
    Remillard, R, RXTE Proposal, 70042 (2002)
  20. Hercules X-1
    Vrtilek, S, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2387 (2000)
  21. Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS)
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4759 (2000)
  22. Uhuru (SAS-1/Explorer 42)
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4774 (2000)
  23. X-Ray Astronomy-The First Decade
    Gursky, H, Exploring the Universe, 1 (2000)
  24. X-Ray Astronomy from UHURU to Einstein
    Tucker, W & Tananbaum, H, Exploring the Universe, 17 (2000)
  25. UNDERSTANDING X-RAY STARS:. The Discovery of Binary X-ray Sources
    Schreier, E & Tananbaum, H, Exploring the Universe, 265 (2000)
  26. Orbital Modulation of the New HMXB X1908+075
    Remillard, R, RXTE Proposal, 50079 (2000)
  27. Outbursts from 4U 1145--619: A Transient X-ray Pulsar
    Wilson, C et al., HEAD, 4, 1514 (1999)
  28. Broad-Band Measurements of Cen X-3 With XTE and CGRO
    Vestrand, W, STIN, 99, 78757 (1999)
  29. Lifting the veil on the X-ray universe
    xmm, pres, 19 (1999)
  30. The Sandage Two-color (U,B) Survey of the Galactic Plane: Status Report on the Continuing Search for Faint UV-Bright Objects
    Lanning, H & Meakes, M, AAS, 192, 5203 (1998)
  31. GT2318+620 — a Galactic Low-Mass X-Ray Binary or a Radio Loud AGN?
    Muhli, P et al., 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, 351 (1998)
  32. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Selected Data from the Third UHURU X-Ray Catalog (Share, 1975)
    Share, G, yCat, 9003, 0 (1998)
  33. Observations of pulse evolution in Her X-1
    Scott, D et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 748 (1997)
  34. VizieR Online Data Catalog: A Finding List of Faint UV-Bright Stars (Lanning+, 1998)
    Lanning, H, yCat, 2212, 0 (1997)
  35. BBXRT Observation of MX0836-42
    Zhang, W & Swank, J, AAS, 182, 0707 (1993)
  36. A Two-color (U,B) Survey of the Galactic Plane: The Search Continues
    Lanning, H & Meakes, M, AAS, 183, 1703 (1993)
  37. Wind and Fuv Flux Variability in X-Ray Emitting Be Stars
    Peters, G, IUE Proposal, 4017 (1991)
  38. Multifrequency Observations of Z-Ray-Bright BL Lac Objects
    Urry, C, IUE Proposal, 3778 (1990)
  39. Berkeley 87
    Polcaro, V et al., IAUC, 4845, 2 (1989)
  40. Radio Emission from the Region of GX 1+4
    Manchanda, R & Robertson, J, IAUC, 4871, 2 (1989)
  41. Discrete X-ray sources and the X-ray background
    Giacconi, R, NASCP, 2464, 317 (1987)
  42. The cosmic inquirers : modern telescopes and their makers
    Tucker, W & Tucker, K, cimt book (1986)
  43. 1962-1972 (Up Through UHURU)
    Giacconi, R, Cosmic Pathways: Contemporary Perpectives in Physics and Astrophysics, 367 (1986)
  44. Astrophysics
    Gilman, D & Pellerin, C, Space Science and Applications: Progress and Potential, 31 (1986)
  45. Hercules X-1: Pulsed Gamma Rays Detected above 150 GEV
    Cawley, M et al., 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC19), Volume 1, 119 (1985)
  46. Glimpsing an invisible universe. The emergence of X-ray astronomy
    Hirsh, R, gaiu book (1985)
  47. The x-ray universe
    Tucker, W & Giacconi, R, xru book (1985)
  48. Hercules X-1
    Trumper, J et al., IAUC, 3923, 1 (1984)
  49. H0850-42
    Wood, K & Norris, J, IAUC, 3959, 1 (1984)
  50. Infrared Object near XB 1812-12
    Kodaira, K, IAUC, 3846, 2 (1983)
  51. Hercules X-1 and MXB 1730-335
    Tanaka, Y, IAUC, 3852, 2 (1983)
  52. Present and past space programs
    Rakos, K, LowOB, 9, 233 (1983)
  53. A compact survey of X-ray astronomy
    Gursky, H, American Astronautical Society, 25 (1983)
  54. An X-ray portrait of our Galaxy
    Grindlay, J, Astronomy from Space: Sputnik to Space Telescope, 141 (1983)
  55. Prospects for X-ray observations of cosmological significance
    Pounds, K, ASSL, 99, 189 (1982)
  56. 2S 1553-542
    Kelley, R et al., IAUC, 3667, 3 (1982)
  57. A morphological classification of clusters of galaxies from Einstein images
    Jones, C & Forman, W, IAUS, 97, 97 (1982)
  58. Are classical Be stars sources of hard X-rays?
    Peters, G, IAUS, 98, 353 (1982)
  59. Wolf-Rayet stars with compact companions
    Moffat, A, IAUS, 99, 263 (1982)
  60. Satellite Observations of Cataclysmic Variables
    Mason, K & Cordova, F, S&T, 64, 25 (1982)
  61. Seyfert and active galaxies
    Ward, M, ang proc (1982)
  62. Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
    Mattei, J et al., IAUC, 3594, 1 (1981)
  63. GX 339-4 = 4u 1658-48
    Giles, A & Adams, D, IAUC, 3594, 2 (1981)
  64. X-ray astronomy from UHURU to HEAO-1
    Clark, G, STIA, 83, 11833 (1981)
  65. Evolution of X-ray astronomy
    Rossi, B, Plasma Astrophysics, 225 (1981)
  66. UHURU Memorial Symposium on X-ray Astronomy - Greenbelt 1981
    uhur symp (1981)
  67. 1962 - 1972 - up Through UHURU / X-Ray Astronomy
    Giacconi, R, uhur, symp, 1 (1981)
  68. X-Ray Astronomy from UHURU to HEAO-1
    Clark, G, uhur, symp, 17 (1981)
  69. Hard X-ray astrophysics
    Rothschild, R, xras, nasa, 599 (1981)
  70. X-ray properties of galactic nuclei
    Weedman, D, HiA, 5, 623 (1980)
  71. 4U 1608-52
    Oda, M, IAUC, 3469, 3 (1980)
  72. X-Ray Bursts
    Oda, M & Grindlay, J, IAUC, 3506, 2 (1980)
  73. Extragalactic X-ray sources
    Pounds, K & Fabian, A, NYASA, 336, 496 (1980)
  74. Entwicklungswege in der Erforschung der Sternhaufen 1964 - 1979
    Seggewiss, W, S&W, 19, 162 (1980)
  75. Contribution to the extragalactic X-ray background from clusters of galaxies
    Zolcinski, M & Walker, A, STIN, 80, 27267 (1980)
  76. Models for galactic X-ray sources
    Joss, P, aas meet (1980)
  77. The X-ray Universe
    Pounds, K, The State of the Universe, 93 (1980)
  78. Monitor proportional counter
    Weisskopf, M, STIN, 80, 14995 (1979)
  79. Search for an X-ray identification of a strong gamma-ray source
    Lamb, R, iowa rept (1979)
  80. Data reduction and analysis of SAS-1 data
    Giacconi, R, sao rept (1979)
  81. Timing and transient mission in X-ray astronomy. Assessment study
    ttmx book (1979)
  82. HEAO A-1 observations of X-ray emission from BL Lacertae objects
    Wood, K et al., X-ray Astronomy, 97 (1979)
  83. Distribution of large scale galactic X-ray sources
    Rothenflug, R et al., X-ray Astronomy, 225 (1979)
  84. Observational properties of extragalactic X-ray sources
    Pounds, K, X-ray Astronomy, 351 (1979)
  85. X-ray observations of the lunar occultation of Abell 401
    Ulmer, M et al., X-ray Astronomy, 405 (1979)
  86. Faint extragalactic objects and the unidentified high latitude X-ray sources
    Shulman, S, X-ray Astronomy, 423 (1979)
  87. Persistent X-Ray Emission from MXB1659-29
    Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3190, 1 (1978)
  88. 4U 1630-47
    Holt, S et al., IAUC, 3292, 1 (1978)
  89. Cosmological Information from X-Ray Observations
    Gursky, H, IAUS, 79, 327 (1978)
  90. Observation of source 4U18-I4 within the range 0.2-10 keV onboard Salyut-4 station
    Klimuk, P et al., STIN, 79, 23860 (1978)
  91. The optical counterparts of galactic X-ray sources
    Margon, B, cosp meet (1978)
  92. Distribution of galactic X-ray sources at a large scale
    Rothenflug, R et al., cosp meet (1978)
  93. Physics and astrophysics of neutron stars and black holes
    Giacconi, R & Ruffini, R, pans proc (1978)
  94. Recent observations from UHURU and ANS
    Tananbaum, H, Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 256 (1978)
  95. UHURU Observations of Transient X-Ray Sources in the Galactic Plane
    Cominsky, L et al., BAAS, 9, 318 (1977)
  96. UHURU Observations of Cygnus X-3
    Julien, P et al., BAAS, 9, 348 (1977)
  97. X-Ray Sources
    Ricketts, M et al., IAUC, 3039, 1 (1977)
  98. A1540-53
    Davison, P, IAUC, 3047, 3 (1977)
  99. X-Ray Sources
    Mason, K et al., IAUC, 3054, 3 (1977)
  100. MXB0512-40
    Clark, G & Li, F, IAUC, 3092, 1 (1977)
  101. Variable X-Ray Sources
    Kaluzienski, L & Holt, S, IAUC, 3099, 3 (1977)
  102. Circinus X-1
    Kaluzienski, L & Holt, S, IAUC, 3108, 2 (1977)
  103. Probable Optical Identification of LMC X-4
    Chevalier, C & Sergio, A, Msngr, 9, 4 (1977)
  104. The X-ray generation - an overview of X-ray astronomy 1960-1980
    Murray, S, SPIE, 106, 8 (1977)
  105. UHURU Survey at High Galactic Latitudes
    Jones, C & Forman, W, BAAS, 8, 351 (1976)
  106. UHURU Observations of Hercules X-1 Pulse Shapes from 2-20 keV
    Jones, C et al., BAAS, 8, 441 (1976)
  107. Long Term Observations of the Galactic Plane and of Transient X-Ray Sources from UHURU
    Forman, W et al., BAAS, 8, 443 (1976)
  108. Search for X-Ray Emission from Globular Clusters Using Uhuru Data
    Ulmer, M et al., BAAS, 8, 444 (1976)
  109. UHURU Observations of Circinus X-1
    Forman, W & Jones, C, BAAS, 8, 541 (1976)
  110. UHURU Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
    Jones, C & Forman, W, BAAS, 8, 553 (1976)
  111. Transient X-ray Sources and the Weak, Unidentified Uhuru Sources at High Galactic Latitudes
    Fabian, A, BAAS, 8, 450 (1976)
  112. 3U 1820-30
    Clark, G, IAUC, 2907, 2 (1976)
  113. MX0513-40
    Jones, C & Forman, W, IAUC, 2913, 1 (1976)
  114. A1745-36
    Davison, P et al., IAUC, 2925, 2 (1976)
  115. X-Ray Bursts
    Mason, K et al., IAUC, 2932, 1 (1976)
  116. X-Ray Sources
    Watson, M, IAUC, 2934, 3 (1976)
  117. X-Ray Sources
    Delvaille, J et al., IAUC, 2936, 1 (1976)
  118. X-Ray Sources
    Watson, M et al., IAUC, 3013, 1 (1976)
  119. Recent UHURU results on Centaurus X-3
    Schreier, E & Fabbiano, G, NASSP, 389, 197 (1976)
  120. Pulsed X-ray observations of Cen X-3 from Ariel-5
    Tuohy, I, NASSP, 389, 219 (1976)
  121. Introduction to Cyg X-1 X-ray panel
    Boldt, E, NASSP, 389, 369 (1976)
  122. 3U 1700-37 = HD 153919: review
    Hutchins, J, NASSP, 389, 531 (1976)
  123. X-ray observations of 3U 1700-37
    Mason, K et al., NASSP, 389, 559 (1976)
  124. The X-ray variability of Vela X-1 (3U 0900-40)
    Charles, P et al., NASSP, 389, 629 (1976)
  125. X-ray emission from the supernova remnant G287.8-0.5
    Becker, R et al., STIN, 76, 27135 (1976)
  126. The 35-D X-ray profile of HER X-1
    Holt, S et al., STIN, 76, 31109 (1976)
  127. Recurrent X-ray outbursts from Aquila X-1
    Kaluzienski, L et al., STIN, 77, 13960 (1976)
  128. Recent advances and near future prospects in high energy astronomy
    Friedman, H, aiaa meet (1976)
  129. Support of selected X-ray studies to be performed using data from the UHURU (SAS-A) satellite
    Garmire, G, cait rept (1976)
  130. Pulse astronomy: short time scale phenomena in electromagnetic and gravitational wave astronomy
    Partridge, R, ASSL, 48, 29 (1975)
  131. The galactic X-ray sources
    Gursky, H & Schreier, E, ASSL, 48, 175 (1975)
  132. The magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter
    Formisano, V, ASSL 52 (1975)
  133. Upper Limits to Jovian X-Ray Emission from the Uhuru Satellite
    Hurley, K, ASSL, 52, 241 (1975)
  134. Observations on the Spatial and Spectral Distribution of Diffuse X-Ray Background from UHURU
    Agrawal, P et al., BAAS, 7, 415 (1975)
  135. X-Ray Sky Fluctuations Measured by UHURU
    Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 7, 415 (1975)
  136. A0601-00
    Elvis, M et al., IAUC, 2814, 1 (1975)
  137. Transient X-Ray Sources
    Jernigan, G & Turner, M, IAUC, 2817, 1 (1975)
  138. A0620-00
    Eyles, C et al., IAUC, 2822, 1 (1975)
  139. Nova Cygni 1975
    Wright, E et al., IAUC, 2829, 1 (1975)
  140. Cygnus X-1
    Primini, F, IAUC, 2833, 1 (1975)
  141. 3U 0900-40
    Rappaport, S & McClintock, J, IAUC, 2833, 2 (1975)
  142. Cygnus X-1
    Kaluzienski, L et al., IAUC, 2863, 2 (1975)
  143. Transient High-Latitude X-Ray Source
    Rappaport, S, IAUC, 2869, 2 (1975)
  144. Intense X-Ray Bursts from a Globular Cluster
    Grindlay, J & Heise, J, IAUC, 2879, 1 (1975)
  145. The Binary X-Ray Stars - the Observational Picture (review)
    Gursky, H & Schreier, E, IAUS, 67, 413 (1975)
  146. Average 2 - 6 keV pulse shapes of Hercules X-1 during the January 1972 "on" state
    Joss, P & Fechner, W, NYASA, 262, 385 (1975)
  147. Sco X-1 and Cyg X-2
    Katz, J, NYASA, 262, 400 (1975)
  148. X-Ray Sources and Their Optical Counterparts III
    Jones, C et al., S&T, 49, 10 (1975)
  149. X-ray astronomy
    Tindo, I, STIN, 75, 27977 (1975)
  150. Detailed studies of the nonperiodic time variability of several galactic X-ray sources
    Weisskopf, M, cuny rept (1975)
  151. Galactic X-ray astronomy
    Beuermann, K, oopg, meet, 191 (1975)
  152. UHURU advanced studies and guest investigator program
    Giacconi, R, sao rept (1975)
  153. Galactic X-ray sources
    Culhane, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 3 (1975)
  154. Source structure via the occultation technique
    Fabian, A, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 159 (1975)
  155. Galactic X-ray sources
    Ulmer, M, X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 128 (1975)
  156. A review of soft X-ray astronomy
    Seward, F, X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 378 (1975)
  157. Jovian X-rays - Recent upper limits and reasons to continue the search
    Hurley, K, X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 400 (1975)
  158. Error estimation in X-ray astronomy
    Margon, B et al., X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 1069 (1975)
  159. Comments on the diffuse X-ray background - 2-82 keV
    Schwartz, D, X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 1096 (1975)
  160. Problem of electron contamination
    Garmire, G, X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 1127 (1975)
  161. X-ray astronomy
    Giacconi, R & Gursky, H, ASSL 43 (1974)
  162. X-ray astronomy in the Uhuru epoch and beyond
    Kellogg, E, BAAS, 6, 321 (1974)
  163. UHURU Observations of the Binary Nature of Circinus X-1
    Jones, C et al., BAAS, 6, 277 (1974)
  164. A Study of the Short Time Scale Variability of Intense Galactic X-ray Sources Observed by UHURU
    Forman, W et al., BAAS, 6, 277 (1974)
  165. Six years of pulsars
    Onderlicka, B, CCpFS, 24, 497 (1974)
  166. X-Ray Sources and Their Optical Counterparts I
    Jones, C et al., S&T, 48, 289 (1974)
  167. Small astronomy satellite-A, UHURU data analysis
    Koch, D, aseic rept (1974)
  168. Observational results on compact galactic X-ray sources
    Giacconi, R, Astrophysics and Gravitation, 27 (1974)
  169. Search for observational evidence for black holes
    Novikov, I, Astrophysics and Gravitation, 317 (1974)
  170. Gamma-ray bursts observed from OSO-6
    Share, G et al., The Context and Status of Gamma-Ray Astronomy, 25 (1974)
  171. Geomagnetic background events observed by Uhuru
    Schwartz, D, Electron Contamination in X-ray Astronomy Experiments, 7 (1974)
  172. X-ray sources
    Schreier, E, ngbh proc (1974)
  173. Gamma-Ray Bursts Seen by UHURU
    Koch, D et al., Transient Cosmic Gamma- and X-Ray Sources, 16 (1974)
  174. Observations of 2U0900-40 From UHURU
    Forman, W et al., BAAS, 5, 33 (1973)
  175. Search for X-Ray Emission From the Flare Star AD Leo by Uhuru
    Grindlay, J et al., BAAS, 5, 381 (1973)
  176. A Study of the Short Time Scale Variability of Intense Galactic X-ray Sources Observed by UHURU
    Forman, W et al., BAAS, 5, 395 (1973)
  177. UHURU Observations of the Binary Nature of Circinus X-1
    Jones, C et al., BAAS, 5, 395 (1973)
  178. UHURU Results on Galactic X-Ray Sources
    Tananbaum, H, IAUS, 55, 9 (1973)
  179. UHURU Results on Extragalactic X-Ray Sources
    Kellogg, E, IAUS, 55, 171 (1973)
  180. Results from the X-ray satellite UHURU
    Gursky, H, BAAS, 4, 255 (1972)
  181. The Number-Intensity Distribution of X-Ray Sources Observed By UHURU
    Matilsky, T et al., BAAS, 4, 335 (1972)
  182. A survey of the Galaxy using UHURU
    Murray, S et al., BAAS, 4, 260 (1972)
  183. The X-Ray Structure of the Vela Puppis Region Observed From UHURU
    Kellogg, E et al., BAAS, 4, 336 (1972)
  184. Røntgen observationer fra satellitten UHURU
    Frandsen, S, ATi, 4, 123 (1971)
  185. X-Ray Emission from the M-87 Region as seen from Uhuru
    Kellogg, E et al., BAAS, 3, 236 (1971)
  186. Precise Location of Selected Cosmic X-Ray Sources seen by Uhuru
    Tananbaum, H et al., BAAS, 3, 236 (1971)
  187. X-Ray Observations of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) from Uhuru
    Tananbaum, H et al., BAAS, 3, 444 (1971)
  188. Observation from Uhuru of X-Ray Sources along the Galactic Equator
    Gorenstein, P et al., BAAS, 3, 236 (1971)
  189. X-Rays from Seyfert Galaxies Detected by Uhuru
    Gursky, H et al., BAAS, 3, 236 (1971)

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