XTE ASM Catalog History
- ASM_Catalog_990106
- New version of ASM catalog for start
of AO4
- ASM_Catalog_980605
- New transient XTE J1748-288 is added
- ASM_Catalog_980527
- New transient XTE J2012+385 is added
- ASM_Catalog_980422
- The trigger level of SAX J1808.4-3658 is revised.
- The name of SAX J1808.4-3658 in ASM Catalog is shortened by 1 digit for RXTE Weather Map handling.
- ASM_Catalog_980415
- SAX J1808.4-3658 is added
- ASM_Catalog_980410
- X Persei is added, which was removed by accident during the compilation for AO-3.
- ASM_Catalog_980403
- The position and trigger level for XTE J0421+560 was revised according to the optical/radio identification.
- ASM_Catalog_980401
- New ASM transient XTEJ0421+560 was added.
- ASM_Catalog_980312
- Trigers for GX 339-4 was revised as the TOO observation of prop.#30168 had been completed.
- ASM_Catalog_980303
- Trigers for Proposal #30070 are revised.
- ASM_Catalog_980217
- Showing here the concise version of catalog which is actually used at SOF for real-time ASM data processing
- Trigger updated for Prop #30056
- ASM_Catalog_980206
- Re-compiled for AO-3
- ASM_Catalog_970714
- 4U 1210-64 was turned on
- Position of Cep X-4 was updated according to the optical identification.
- ASM_Catalog_970305
- High State Triggers for Cyg X-2 and GS1843+009 were changed as the TOO observations had been done.
The owners of there triggers were also changed to SOF.
- Gamma ray burster grb970228 was added.
- ASM_Catalog_970213
- Trigger levels for cenx4, aqlx1, x1608-533 were revised
- ASM_Catalog_970204
- Names for xtej1856_053 and gs0834-830 were revised
- Owner for TOO triger of gs0834-830 was revised
- Position of groj2058+42 was corrected
- ASM_Catalog_970127
- trigger criteria for Aql X-1 were revised
- ASM_Catalog_970121
- trigger level and owner of Cen X-3 were changed to 20 cps and #20104
- ASM_Catalog_961209
- turn on sctX-1a and gs1843+009
- Source name correction: grs1843+009, grs2000+250, grs2023+338, & too1_pca are changed to gs1843+009, gs2000+250, gs2023+338, & xtej1856+42, respectively
- new source groj2058+42 was appended to the catalog
- ASM_Catalog_961126
- Trigger levels for Proposal #20007 were revised as per PI's request
- ASM_Catalog_961105
- ASM Catalog is revised according to the AO-2 approved TOO proposals
- ASM_Catalog_960830
- turn on xper, etacar, and noph77 (col. 15 == 1)
- ASM_Catalog_960819
- Faint trigger levels for proposal #10062 are changed.
- ASM_Catalog_960717
- Now total 158 sources are turned on (col. 15 == 1)
- Detailed changes are given by a dif output
- ASM_Catalog_960621
- turn on x1724-307 (col. 15 == 1)
- ASM_Catalog_960614
- change 2 names containing strings "snr_" to "snr", since the "_"
bothers GOF / FITS software
- turn on grs1758-258 (col. 15 == 1) and also fix its name "gr" -> "grs".
BATSE sees it ON now.
- turn on hk1732-304 and sl1735-269 (col. 15 == 1)
- ASM_Catalog_960613
- Revision: Colunm (15) was changed from 0 to 1 for ks1731-260.
- ASM_Catalog_960522
- Two sources, n4051sy and n5546, were added.
- Revision: Colunm (15) were changed from 0 to 1 for 6 sources, i.e., mkn421bl, 3c273, cena, cenx4, x2129+470, and pks2155-304.
- ASM_Catalog_960514
- Revision: Colum (6) for crab,
Column (7) for x1538-522, x1708-407, grs1915+105 & cygx3,
and Column (15) for ks1724-356,,ks1730-312, ks1731-260, ks1732-273, & gcx-4 were revised.
- Two sources, grs1739-278 & groj1744-28, were added
- ASM_Catalog_960104
- First version of ASM Catalog open to public is provided by Dr. Ron Remillard, MIT, on Jan. 4, 1996.
Back to XTE ASM Catalog
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Responsible NASA Official:
Phil Newman
Web Curator:
Robin Corbet