Sit back and enjoy a movie, courtesy of RXTE! Watch a movie about:
Or visit the RXTE Image Gallery, or see
images from science results on the RXTE Science
Highlights page.
RXTE Science
Cool movies of RXTE Science results:
- The High Energy Groovie Movie - New! Check out RXTE's first music video, featuring black holes,
pulsars, and the night sky viewed with "X-ray eyes."
- The ASM Movie - the XTE All-Sky Monitor (ASM) team speeds up time,
showing you years of observations of the X-ray sky in just minutes!
New ASM Movie: 10 years of RXTE!
A ten-year, time-lapsed movie of the Galaxy. The caption describes objects featured in
the video. Or, compare to the earlier movie ("Original ASM Movie," below), which has labels in
the video.
Original ASM Movie: The First 4 Years of RXTE
Four years in 5 minutes.
This version includes includes text labels in the video, highlighting objects of
- Galactic Center Scans - see the objects at the center of our
galaxy change as RXTE repeatedly scans the Milky Way's heart (Markwardt,
C., primary investigator)
- "Old Faithful" Black Hole - movies and press about a special Black Hole in our galaxy
- RXTE Discovers Millisecond Pulsar - movies and press about an X-ray emitting Neutron Star that
rotates more than 400 times in one second (or once every 2.5
RXTE Satellite
Computer animations of RXTE in space
- RXTE being put into orbit by Delta II rocket (final stage)
- RXTE satellite overview
- The RXTE satellite in orbit
- RXTE repositions to observe a new target
- The High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment (HEXTE) Instrument
- The Proportional Counter Array (PCA) Instrument
- The All-Sky Monitor (ASM) Instrument
RXTE Launch
See and hear RXTE's launch from a variety of views!
- Images and Videos
- Audio Launch of RXTE - audio & text files describing the launch
- Short/
Long AU version for
Macintosh, PC, SGI
- Long AIFF-C format for
- Long WAV format for PC
- Long AU format for Sun
- Long RealAudio for
Macintosch and PC.
Short text version of the audio file.
Long text version of the audio file.
- Eye-witness accounts of the launch
- Pre-Launch Activities - movies and images of RXTE's rocket on
the pad at NASA's Kennedy Space Flight Center
If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our
help desks.