Detailed Description
The name of the configuration provides a summary of the properties of
the corresponding data. For Event Burst Catcher data, the format
- CE
- - mnemonic denoting a event burst catcher mode
- ttt
- - the time bin size ("us" denotes microseconds)
- cc
- - the number of energy channels
- X
- - the code denoting the binning of the energy channels
- l
- - the lower channel boundary (usually 0)
As a special case, there are also GoodXenon1 and GoodXenon2 burst
For example, in the CE_8us_32B_0 configuration, 32
histograms with ~8-microsecond resolution are accumulated from
channels 0 to 256, with the "B" channel distribution/binning
scheme. For a complete list of Binned Burst Catcher
configurations, see the RXTE
PCA Configurations page. For more details about these
configurations, please consult the Technical Appendix.
The Event Burst Catcher mode captures 33,767 events (plus time
markers) each time a trigger signal is recieved. If the trigger is
high-priority, the data are immedidately transferred to the
spacecraft. If the trigger is low-priority, the data from the current
trigger is stored and data from the previous trigger is sent to the
The remainder of the details of the event burst catcher are the same
as the generic event mode.
Burst Trigger Modes
The Event Burst Catcher modes are triggered by a second EA running
a Burst Trigger Mode. The trigger EA is synchronized with the catcher
EA, so the data have the same Intervals. The ModeSpecific
column in the XTE_SA extension of the trigger data file
contains the times of trigger activation. A zero denotes no activation.
These configurations will also trigger HEXTE.
There are two flavors of Burst Triggers: High
Priority and Low Priority. The corresponding configurations have names
beginning with T, e.g. or
TLA_1s_10_249_1s_500_F and TLM_31us_0_249_500ms_QN,
respectively. The format for the High Priority Trigger is
- - mnemonic denoting a high priority burst trigger mode
- ttt
- - the time bin size
- ll
- - the lower channel boundary (usually 10)
- hh
- - the upper channel boundary (usually 249)
- rrr
- - the read out time
- ccc
- - the count threshold (in counts/bin)
- b
- - the code denoting number of bits per bin
Low priority triggers are denoted TLM, THM, or TEM, for triggers based
on count rate, hardness ratio, or edge, respectively.
For a complete list of Burst Trigger
configurations, see the RXTE
PCA Configurations page. For more details about these
configurations, please consult the Technical Appendix.
Time resolution
The time resolution for Event configurations is the resolution of the
time stamps. This is not necessarily the same as the number in the
name of the configuration, which is an approximation. For example, in
the CE_8us_32B_0 configuration, the step size is really
seconds, i.e. 7.6293945 microseconds. To derive this number, work out the nearest inverse power of two from the configuration name.
Energy resolution and channel boundaries
The configuration name gives the number of channel bands, but not the channel boundaries themselves, which are denoted by a code letter. To derive the channel boundaries, either look them up in the Technical Appendix, or run fdump the data file and look at the header of the Event column. The value of the TEVTB2 keyword gives the channel boundaries. The energy resolution also depends on the configuration: the bins in any spectrum you extract will be the same as the channel bands in the configuration
Reduction requirements and options
Spectra and light curves may be extracted from Event Burst Catcher
mode data in much the same way as for Event mode data using the
ftool seextrct. Apart from adjusting screening criteria, your primary reduction options include:
- Selecting by applying a bitmask, in particular:
- PCU IDs (depends on configuration - some do not have PCU ID)
- anodes, i.e. layers (depends on configuration - some do not have anode ID)
- channels (depends on configuration - some have only one channel)
- Binning the events into a light curve
- Binning the events into a spectrum (depends on configuration - some have only one channel)
For complete details on working with Event mode data, see the RXTE
Cookbook recipe
Reduction and Analysis of PCA Event-Mode Spectra.
Gain and offset
Gain and offset corrections are applied by the EDS to generic Event data.
Return, if you like, to the PCA Issues chapter or to the Table of Contents.
The ABC of XTE is written and maintained by the RXTE GOF. Please email if you have any questions or comments. This particular page was last modified on Wednesday, 24-Aug-2022 11:10:28 EDT.