Reduction requirements and options
Once make_se has been run on the Good_Xenon_1 and Good_Xenon_2
pairs,the resulting files are reduced as event files using
seextrct. Apart from adjusting screening criteria, your
primary reduction options include:
- Selecting (by applying a bitmask):
- anodes, i.e. layers
- channels
- Binning the events into a light curve
- Binning the events into 256-channel spectra
For complete details on working with Event mode data and GoodXenon
data, see the RXTE Cookbook recipe
Reduction and Analysis of PCA Event-Mode Spectra.
A further option is to convert the data from their event-word format into the more understandable, but more expansive, event file format which has explicit columns for the PCU ID etc. - similar to ASCA and ROSAT event lists. The conversion is effected, when you merge the two EAs, by running xenon2fits with the wrtparm=a option. Note that you will have to use the extractor ftool rather than seextrct to extract events. You will, however, be able to read the entire events file into xronos which cannot handle bitmasks at the moment.
Gain and offset
Gain and offset corrections are not applied by the EDS to Good Xenon data.
Return, if you like, to the PCA Issues chapter or to the Table of Contents.
The ABC of XTE is written and maintained by the RXTE GOF. Please email if you have any questions or comments. This particular page was last modified on Wednesday, 24-Aug-2022 11:10:28 EDT.