AGILE Publications

AGILE Publications
The Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero (AGILE)
publication list through September 20202 is the result
of a query to the ADS service
using the keyword “AGILE”.
Useful AGILE references
On the mission
On the instruments
Simulation of the AGILE gamma-ray imaging detector performance: part I
Longo, F, Cocco, V & Tavani, M, NIMPA, 486, 610 (2002)
Simulation of the AGILE gamma-ray imaging detector performance: Part II
Cocco, V, Longo, F & Tavani, M, NIMPA, 486, 623 (2002)
Gamma-ray imaging by silicon detectors in space: the AREM method
Pittori, C & Tavani, M, NIMPA, 488, 295 (2002)
The AGILE silicon tracker: testbeam results of the prototype silicon detector
Barbiellini, G et al., NIMPA, 490, 146 (2002)
Key science results
Direct Evidence for Hadronic Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in the Supernova Remnant IC 443
Tavani, M et al., ApJL, 710, L151 (2010)
High-Resolution Timing Observations of Spin-Powered Pulsars with the AGILE Gamma-Ray Telescope
Pellizzoni, A et al., ApJ, 691, 1618 (2009)
GRB 070724B: the first gamma ray burst localized by SuperAGILE and its Swift X-ray afterglow
Del Monte, E et al., A&A, 478, L5 (2008)
Gamma-ray burst detection with the AGILE mini-calorimeter
Marisaldi, M et al., A&A, 490, 1151 (2008)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 17-Sep-2020 14:06:30 EDT