Ariel VI Publications

Publication list from ADS
The Ariel 6 publication list through May 1999 is the result
of a query to the ADS service
using the keyword “Ariel 6”.
On the scientific results and the X-ray detector
British X-ray astronomy.
Pounds, K, QJRAS, 27, 435 (1986)
Simultaneous X-ray/optical observations of GX 339-4 during the May 1981 optically bright state.
Motch, C et al., A&A, 119, 171 (1983)
GX 1+4 : pulse period measurement and detection of phase-variable iron line emission.
Ricketts, M et al., MNRAS, 201, 759 (1982)
[Ariel 6]
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 10-Sep-2020 14:18:29 EDT