Luna 10 & 12 Publications

Publication list from ADS
The Luna 10 & 12 publication list through June 1999 is the result
of a query to the ADS service
using the keyword “Luna 10” and “Luna 12”.
Exploration of Terrestrial Planets from Spacecraft: Instrumentation, Investigation, Interpertation
Surkov, Y, Ellis Horwood, New York, NY (USA) (1988) [Translation from Russian language “Kosmokhimicheskie issledovaniia planet i sputnikov” (1985)]
Lunar X Rays and the Cosmic X-Ray Background Measured by the Lunar Satellite Luna-12
Mandel'Shtam, S et al., CosRe, 6, 100 (1968)
[Luna 10 & 12]
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 10-Sep-2020 17:09:29 EDT