OSO 1–6 Refereed Journals

  1. Evidence for the equality of the solar photospheric and coronal abundance of iron
    Phillips, K et al., AdSpR, 15, 0733 (1995)
  2. Solar Coronal Abundances of Elements with Low First Ionization Potential: Chromium, Calcium, and Aluminum
    McKenzie, D & Feldman, U, ApJ, 420, 892 (1994)
  3. SI XIII Emission Lines in Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra Obtained with the P78-1 Satellite
    Keenan, F et al., ApJ, 426, 454 (1994)
  4. Fe XXV Temperatures in Flares from the YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
    Sterling, A, Doschek, G & Pike, C, ApJ, 435, 898 (1994)
  5. Emission Line Ratios for Fexxi Applicable to the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectra of Solar Flares
    Keenan, F et al., SoPh, 149, 129 (1994)
  6. Solar coronal mass ejections
    Chertok, I, AZh, 70, 165 (1993)
  7. Theoretical Emission-Line Strengths for Fe XXIII and a Comparison with Solar Observational Data
    Keenan, F et al., ApJ, 406, 350 (1993)
  8. Microwave and soft X-ray emission of solar flare events associated with coronal transients
    Chertok, I, Gnezdilov, A & Zaborova, E, AZh, 69, 593 (1992)
  9. Fe XVIII Emission-Line Intensities in the Sun
    McKenzie, D et al., ApJ, 385, 378 (1992)
  10. The Iron-to-Calcium Abundance Ratio in the 20 X 10 6 K Plasma of Medium and Large Solar Flares
    Phillips, K & Feldman, U, ApJ, 379, 401 (1991)
  11. The Ar/Ca Abundance Ratio in Solar Flares
    Doschek, G & Seely, J, ApJ, 348, 341 (1990)
  12. Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Solar Flares: an Overview
    Doschek, G, ApJS, 73, 117 (1990)
  13. Measurement of Wavelengths for Inner-Shell Transitions in CA xvii--xix
    Seely, J & Doschek, G, ApJ, 338, 567 (1989)
  14. Photographic observations of the cloud in the neighbourhood of libration point L 5 of the Earth-Moon system
    Winiarski, M, EM&P, 47, 193 (1989)
  15. Radiating Properties of Solar Plasmas
    Bruner, M & McWhirter, R, ApJ, 326, 1002 (1988)
  16. Dynamic Evolution of the Source Volumes of Gradual and Impulsive Solar Flare Emissions
    Bruner, M et al., ApJ, 334, 494 (1988)
  17. X-ray line-ratio plasma diagnostics applied to solar active regions.
    McKenzie, D, JPhys, 49, 55 (1988)
  18. The comparison of helium-like ion emission line ratios with solar X-ray spectral data.
    McCann, S & Keenan, F, JPhys, 49, 331 (1988)
  19. Calcium ionization balance and argon/calcium abundance in solar flares
    Antonucci, E et al., A&A, 188, 159 (1987)
  20. NE IX Emission-Line Ratios in Solar Active Regions
    Keenan, F et al., ApJ, 318, 926 (1987)
  21. Properties of Solar Coronal Active Regions Deduced from X-Ray Line Spectra
    McKenzie, D, ApJ, 322, 512 (1987)
  22. A search for forerunner activity associated with coronal mass ejections
    Karpen, J & Howard, R, JGR, 92, 7227 (1987)
  23. Al xii line ratios in the Sun
    Keenan, F & McCann, S, SoPh, 109, 31 (1987)
  24. Theoretical emission line ratios for Si XIII compared to solar observations
    McCann, S & Keenan, F, SoPh, 112, 83 (1987)
  25. Solar Filament Eruptions and Energetic Particle Events
    Kahler, S et al., ApJ, 302, 504 (1986)
  26. Measurement of Wavelengths and Lamb Shifts for Inner-Shell Transitions in Fe xviii--xxiv
    Seely, J, Feldman, U & Safronova, U, ApJ, 304, 838 (1986)
  27. High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flares. VIII. Mass Upflow in the Large Flare of 1980 November 7
    Karpen, J, Doschek, G & Seely, J, ApJ, 306, 327 (1986)
  28. Imaging the outflow of ionospheric ions into the magnetosphere
    Chiu, Y et al., Natur, 322, 441 (1986)
  29. High-resolution X-ray spectra of solar flares. VII - A long-duration X-ray flare associated with a coronal mass ejection
    Kreplin, R et al., ApJ, 292, 309 (1985)
  30. X-ray line ratios for Fe-XVII observed in the solar corona
    Rugge, H & McKenzie, D, ApJ, 297, 338 (1985)
  31. Element abundances from solar flare spectra
    Doschek, G, Feldman, U & Seely, J, MNRAS, 217, 317 (1985)
  32. On the rate of energy input in thermal solar flares
    Feldman, U, Doschek, G & McKenzie, D, ApJL, 276, L53 (1984)
  33. Direct measurement of the increase in altitude of the soft X-ray emission region during a solar flare
    Seely, J & Feldman, U, ApJL, 280, L59 (1984)
  34. 3 keV to 2 MeV observations of four gamma-ray bursts
    Laros, J et al., ApJ, 286, 681 (1984)
  35. Numerical simulations of loops heated to solar flare temperatures. III - Asymmetrical heating
    Cheng, C, Doschek, G & Karpen, J, ApJ, 286, 787 (1984)
  36. Radio and Visible Light Observations of a Coronal Arcade Transient
    Gergely, T et al., SoPh, 90, 161 (1984)
  37. Diagnostic Application of Highly Ionised Iron Lines in the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Solar Flare
    Mason, H et al., SoPh, 92, 199 (1984)
  38. A spectroscopic method for calibration of solar extreme ultraviolet instrumentation.
    Neupert, W & Kastner, S, A&A, 128, 181 (1983)
  39. Inner-shell transitions in Fe XIX-XXII in the X-ray spectra of solar flares and Tokamaks
    Phillips, K et al., ApJ, 265, 1120 (1983)
  40. X-ray line ratios from helium-like ions - Updated theory and SMM flare observations
    Wolfson, C et al., ApJ, 269, 319 (1983)
  41. Direct evidence of type III electron streams propagating in coronal streamers
    Kundu, M et al., ApJL, 269, L67 (1983)
  42. Acceleration and confinement of energetic particles in the 1980 June 7 solar flare
    Kane, S et al., ApJ, 271, 376 (1983)
  43. Solar indices and solar u.v.-irradiances
    Bossy, L, P&SS, 31, 977 (1983)
  44. Satellite Observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet and Far Ultraviolet Radiation Fields.
    Kimble, R, PhD Thesis, 9 (1983)
  45. Overview of cosmic ray studies and associated topics (1979 - 1982).
    Shea, M, RvGSP, 21, 291 (1983)
  46. Thermal and Nonthermal Phenomena in Solar Flare Loops at 20-CM Wavelength and in X-Rays
    Schmahl, E et al., SoPh, 83, 3 (1983)
  47. The solar corona on 31 July, 1981
    Fisher, R et al., SoPh, 83, 233 (1983)
  48. Solar instruments on the P78-1 spacecraft.
    Doschek, G, SoPh, 86, 9 (1983)
  49. Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra from the P78 - 1 Spacecraft
    Doschek, G, SoPh, 86, 49 (1983)
  50. The GLE-associated flare of 21 August, 1979
    Cliver, E et al., SoPh, 89, 181 (1983)
  51. Longterm Quasi-Periodic Oscillations of Extreme Ultraviolet Flux on the Sun
    Ivanov, E, SoPh, 89, 261 (1983)
  52. Lightning research from space
    Powell, J, SpFl, 25, 280 (1983)
  53. Observational constraints for a theoretical model describing the soft X-ray flare
    Feldman, U, Cheng, C & Doschek, G, ApJ, 255, 320 (1982)
  54. X-ray lines of helium-like oxygen and neon in the solar corona
    McKenzie, D & Landecker, P, ApJ, 259, 372 (1982)
  55. A magnetic cloud and a coronal mass ejection
    Burlaga, L et al., GeoRL, 9, 1317 (1982)
  56. Coronal transient phenomena.
    Dryer, M, SSRv, 33, 233 (1982)
  57. An attempt to determine the solar LY alpha flux independently of instrument calibration
    Cazes, S et al., A&A, 104, 10 (1981)
  58. On ionization equilibrium in solar flares as determined from X-ray emissionlines of CA XVIII and CA XIX
    Doscher, G & Feldman, U, ApJ, 251, 792 (1981)
  59. The significance of VLF transmitters in the precipitation of inner belt electrons
    Imhof, W et al., JGR, 86, 11225 (1981)
  60. A study of the spectrum beyond 200 keV of second-stage solar flare X-ray emission
    Langer, S, Petrosian, V & Frost, K, ApJ, 235, 1047 (1980)
  61. On the Origin of Multiply-Impulsive Emission from Solar Flares.
    Karpen, J, PhD Thesis, 2 (1980)
  62. The Solar Lyman-Alpha Flux Near Solar Minimum
    Vidal-Madjar, A & Phissamay, B, SoPh, 66, 259 (1980)
  63. Fe XXI as an electron density diagnostic in solar flares.
    Mason, H et al., A&A, 73, 74 (1979)
  64. A theoretical model of a coronal hole.
    Pineau Des Forets, G, A&A, 78, 159 (1979)
  65. Fe IX lines as density indicators in coronal plasmas.
    Haug, E, ApJ, 228, 903 (1979)
  66. Evidence for continuum absorption above the quiet sun transition region.
    Schmahl, E & Orrall, F, ApJL, 231, L41 (1979)
  67. Spectral evolution of multiply impulsive solar bursts.
    Karpen, J, Crannell, C & Frost, K, ApJ, 234, 370 (1979)
  68. Relationship between hard X-ray and EUV sources in solar flares.
    Kane, S, Frost, K & Donnelly, R, ApJ, 234, 669 (1979)
  69. Stellar Chromospheres
    Ulmschneider, P, SSRv, 24, 71 (1979)
  70. On the nonthermal excitation and polarization of X-ray lines during solar flares
    Haug, E, SoPh, 61, 129 (1979)
  71. Impulsive solar X-ray bursts.
    Crannell, C et al., ApJ, 223, 620 (1978)
  72. Extreme ultraviolet composite spectra of representative solar features.
    Vernazza, J & Reeves, E, ApJS, 37, 485 (1978)
  73. Spectral evolution of multiply-impulsive solar bursts
    Karpen, J, Crannell, C & Frost, K, PhD Thesis, 8 (1978)
  74. Pulsations in solar hard X-ray bursts.
    Lipa, B, SoPh, 57, 191 (1978)
  75. Extended soft X-ray emission from the Crab nebula.
    Charles, P & Culhane, J, ApJL, 211, L23 (1977)
  76. Hard X-ray spectra of cosmic gamma-ray bursts.
    Kane, S & Share, G, ApJ, 217, 549 (1977)
  77. Quiet and active solar emission analysed from the OSO IV spectroheliograms.
    Allen, C, MNRAS, 179, 473 (1977)
  78. Impulsive solar flare heating according to UV observations.
    Syrovatskii, S & Shmeleva, O, PAZh, 3, 315 (1977)
  79. The filament-corona transition region from OSO-VI EUV observations
    Drago, F & Silvi, M, SoPh, 55, 177 (1977)
  80. Discovery of Two Cosmic X-Ray Bursts in 1970
    Share, G, Ap&SS, 42, 29 (1976)
  81. Circumstellar matter in the binary V Puppis.
    York, D, Flannery, B & Bahcall, J, ApJ, 210, 143 (1976)
  82. New Upper Limits on Jovian X Rays
    Peterson, L, Hudson, H & Tsikoudi, V, Icar, 29, 419 (1976)
  83. Changes in X-ray brightness of a solar active region.
    Glencross, W & Brabban, D, MNRAS, 175, 33 (1976)
  84. Recent developments in astronomy
    de Graaff, W, Ruimt, 25, 37 (1976)
  85. Upper limits on stellar flare X-ray emission from OSO-3.
    Tsikoudi, V & Hudson, H, A&A, 44, 273 (1975)
  86. Possible Association of a Hard X-Ray Source with a Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst
    Biswas, S, Manchanda, R & Sreekantan, B, Ap&SS, 33, L15 (1975)
  87. Gamma-ray bursts observed by a hard X-ray experiment aboard OSO-6.
    Pizzichini, G, Palumbo, G & Spizzichino, A, ApJL, 195, L1 (1975)
  88. Upper limits of hard gamma-ray emission from six X-ray sources.
    Campbell, M et al., ApJ, 196, 593 (1975)
  89. Monte Carlo treatment of Lyman-alpha. II. Radiation in a spherical atmosphere.
    Modali, S, Brandt, J & Kastner, S, ApJ, 199, 530 (1975)
  90. An evolution of X-ray astronomy instrumentation.
    Jagoda, N & Antrim, W, JBIS, 28, 299 (1975)
  91. Derivation of γ-ray emissivity in the Galaxy from satellite data
    Strong, A, JPhA, 8, 617 (1975)
  92. The identification of solar flare Fe XVIII to Fe XXIII emission lines from 2s?n2p?k-2s?n-12p?k+1 transitions.
    Fawcett, B & Cowan, R, MNRAS, 171, 1 (1975)
  93. Counterglow from the Earth-Moon libration points
    Roach, J, P&SS, 23, 173 (1975)
  94. A Satellite Study of the High Energy Proton Environment Under the Radiation Belt.
    Dhingra, K, PhD Thesis, 1 (1975)
  95. Evolution of the Solar Lyman Alpha Flux during Four Consecutive Years
    Vidal-Madjar, A, SoPh, 40, 69 (1975)
  96. EUV Analysis of an Active Region
    Raghavan, N & Withbroe, G, SoPh, 43, 117 (1975)
  97. The Analysis of XUV Emission Lines
    Withbroe, G, SoPh, 45, 301 (1975)
  98. The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic X-Rays Observed by OSO-3 Between 7 and 100 KEV
    Schwartz, D & Peterson, L, ApJ, 190, 297 (1974)
  99. A High-Energy Gamma-Ray Survey of Cygnus and Cassiopeia.
    Campbell, M, PhD Thesis, 2 (1974)
  100. Observations of Very Small Soft X-Ray Flares
    Glencross, W, Dorling, E & Herring, J, SoPh, 38, 183 (1974)
  101. A Two-Component Thermal Model of X-Ray Burst Sources
    Herring, J, SoPh, 39, 175 (1974)
  102. Erratum; Hard X-ray Solar Bursts Observed from the OSO-6 Satellite
    Brini, D et al., A&A, 27, 479 (1973)
  103. The Harvard Experiment on OSO-6: Instrumentation, Calibration, Operation, and Description of Observations
    Huber, M et al., ApJ, 183, 291 (1973)
  104. The Diffuse X-Ray Spectrum from 14 TO 200 keV as Measured on OSO-5
    Dennis, B, Suri, A & Frost, K, ApJ, 186, 97 (1973)
  105. High-Energy Cosmic Gamma-Ray Observations from the OSO-3 Satellite
    Kraushaar, W et al., ApJ, 186, 401 (1973)
  106. High-Energy Cosmic Gamma-Ray Observations from the OSO-3 Satellite
    Kraushaar, W et al., ApJ, 177, 341 (1972)
  107. The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic X-Rays 7.7-113 keV
    Schwartz, D, Hudson, H & Peterson, L, ApJ, 162, 431 (1970)
  108. The Isotropy of the Diffuse Cosmic X-Rays Determined by Oso-III
    Schwartz, D, ApJ, 162, 439 (1970)
  109. Orbiting Solar Observatory
    Ball, A, SpFl, 12, 244 (1970)
  110. The Hard Solar X-Ray Spectrum Observed from the Third Orbiting Solar Observatory
    Hudson, H, Peterson, L & Schwartz, D, ApJ, 157, 389 (1969)
  111. Rapid Fine Structure in a Burst of Hard Solar X-Rays Observed by OSO-5
    Frost, K, ApJL, 158, L159 (1969)
  112. Observation of High-Energy Cosmic Gamma Rays
    Clark, G, Garmire, G & Kraushaar, W, ApJL, 153, L203 (1968)
  113. The Communication and Data-Handling Subsystem for the Advanced Orbiting Solar Observatory
    Thompson, J & Mason, A, ITAer, 3, 345 (1965)
  114. X-Ray Telescope for an Orbiting Solar Observatory
    Hicks, D, Ried, L & Peterson, L, ITNS, 12, 54 (1965)
  115. Design and Development of the Orbiting Solar Observatory (oso)
    Bartoe, O et al., NYASA, 134, 194 (1965)

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