X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC) data at the HEASARC

The XQC archive includes :
High level Products :
The data products include spectral files with associated background and response matrices
for the last four flights launched between Mar 1999 and Mar 2013.
No products are available for the early two flights.
During the flight in December 1995 (27.132UG),
the gate valve leaked during the booster burn and no data were obtained.
During the flight in June, 3 1996 (27.140UG) the resolution was poor and exposure was short.
The spectral files include an image in the primary header mapping the Field of View of the flights
at the following positions:
- Galactic coordinates 90.0, 60.0 for the flights launched in 1999 and 2008
- Galactic coordinates 165.0, -5.0 for the flights launched in 2011 and 2013
The files are in FITS using the OGIP format recommended for spectra and response matrices
and may be used within XSPEC. The data are available from the XQC data location at the HEASARC
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[About XQC]
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Tuesday, 30-Nov-2021 17:56:29 EST