Preface to the AO-6
ASCA Appendix E
ASCA Appendix E
Preface to the AO-6 Version
A.1 Introduction
2.1 Purpose and Scope
2.2 Quick Comparison of the GIS & SIS
2.3 Latest Information
2.4 Figure Captions
3 ASCA Performance Update
3.1 XRT Performance
3.2 GIS Performance
3.3 SIS Performance
3.3.1 CTI, RDD, & spectral resolution
7.6.6 Hot and flickering pixels
7.6.2 Background
3.4 Satellite Operations Since the PV Phase
4 Observing Constraints
4.1 Scheduling
4.2 Constraints
4.3 Viewing Constraints
4.4 Sampling Constraints
4.4.1 South Atlantic Anomaly
4.4.2 Earth occultation
4.4.3 Regions of low geomagnetic rigidity
4.4.4 Angle from the bright Earth limb
4.4.5 Typical sampling window
4.5 Operational Constraints
4.5.1 ``Contact'' and ``remote'' orbits
Telemetry rates and on-board storage capacity
4.5.3 Maneuvering and attitude determination
4.5.4 Choice of GIS & SIS modes
4.5.5 Placement of target in the field of view
4.6 Restrictions on Observing Time
4.6.1 Interpretation of requested time
4.6.2 Minimum observing time
4.6.3 Multiple close pointings at large extended objects
Time-critical observations
Figure Captions
5.1 Summary of Properties
5.2 Instrument Structure
5.3 XRT Capabilities
5.3.1 Effective area
5.3.2 Field of view
5.3.3 Plate scale
5.3.4 Spatial resolution
5.4 References
Figure Captions
6.1 General Principles
6.2 The Detector
6.2.1 Detector assembly
6.2.2 Gas cell
6.2.3 Phototube
6.3 The Data System
On-board data processing
6.3.2 Position determination
6.3.3 Background rejection
7.5 Observation Modes
6.5 Inflight GIS Performance
8.4.2 Energy resolution
8.2.2 Useable field of view
6.6 Acknowledgements
Figure Captions
7.1.1 CCD structure
7.2 Properties of the SIS CCDs
7.3 SIS Camera
7.4 Detection and Classification of Events
Observation Modes
7.5.1 CCD clocking modes
7.5.2 CCD data modes
7.5.3 Address and level discrimination
7.5.4 Mode choice
7.6 Inflight SIS Performance
Energy resolution
7.6.3 Limiting sensitivity
7.6.4 Optical and UV light leakage
7.6.5 Echo
Hot and flickering pixels
Radiation Damage Monitoring and Predictions for the AO-6 Phase
7.7.1 CTI
7.7.2 Residual Dark Distribution
Predicted performance of SIS during AO-6
4-CCD mode
2-CCD mode
Status of 1-CCD mode
Predicted degradation in detection efficiency
Warm CCDs
Status of Fast mode
7.8 Acknowledgement
Figure Captions
8 Feasibility: GIS+XRT
8.1 Count Rate Limitations
8.1.1 Telemetry Limit
8.2 Limitations of Imaging Observations
8.2.1 PSF
8.2.2 Useable field of view
8.3 Limitations of Timing Observations
8.3.1 Choice of GIS bit assignment
8.4 Limitations of Spectral Observations
8.4.1 Pass band
8.4.2 Energy resolution
8.4.3 Effect of deadtime
8.5 Detection Sensitivity (GIS & SIS)
Figure Captions
9 Feasibility: SIS+XRT
9.1 Preamble: SIS Observing Modes and Feasibility
Count Rate Limitations
9.2.1 Telemetry limit
Photon pile-up limit
9.3 Extended source observations
Limitations of Imaging Observations
9.4.2 Image scale
Limitations of Timing Observations
9.5.1 Imaging modes
9.5.2 Fast mode
Limitations of Spectral Observations
9.6.1 Effective Area
9.6.2 Resolution
Figure Captions
10 Simulations
10.2 Helpful hints for good feasibilities
10.2.1 Common mistakes
Do I really have do a full-blown simulation?
10.3 Estimating source count rate using PIMMS
10.3.1 PIMMS terminology
10.3.2 Example I: estimating ASCA count rates
10.3.3 Example II: estimating ASCA count rates
10.4 Using XSPEC for Spectral Simulations
10.4.1 Getting started
10.4.2 Reading in the dummy data
10.4.3 Defining a model
10.4.4 Faking data
10.4.5 Fitting the fake data
A.3 viewing
A.4 roll
B ASCA Personnel
C How to Obtain and Install XSPEC
C.1 Where to find XSPEC
C.2 How to install XSPEC
C.3 Where to get help on XSPEC
D Acronyms
About this document ...
Michael Arida
Tue May 13 19:54:56 EDT 1997