Copernicus Bibliography: Refereed Journals
Physical properties of β Lyrae A and its opaque accretion disk
Mourard, D et al., A&A, 618, 112 (2018)
Spacecraft exploration of asteroids
Shevchenko, V & Mohamed, R, SoSyR, 39, 73 (2005)
Investigation of Asteroids with the Use of Space Vehicles
Shevchenko, V, KosNT, 5, 0479 (1999)
X-ray investigations of the hot ISM
Sanders, W, AdSpR, 13, 77 (1993)
Long-term and periodic variability of 4U 1258-61 (GX 304-1)
Corbet, R et al., MNRAS, 221, 961 (1986)
The X-ray corona of Procyon
Schmitt, J et al., ApJ, 288, 751 (1985)
An X-ray study of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies using Einstein
Matilsky, T et al., ApJ, 291, 621 (1985)
Sounding Rocket XUV Observations of Capella
Bobroff, N, PhD Thesis, 3 (1983)
A comparison of the X-ray properties of X Per and GAM Cas
White, N et al., ApJ, 263, 277 (1982)
The hard X-ray flux from GAM CAS during 1970-73
Peters, G, PASP, 94, 157 (1982)
IUE observations of the Be stars HD 102567 (4U 1145-61), X Per and GAM Cas
Hammerschlag-Hensberge, G et al., A&A, 85, 119 (1980)
Evidence for the degenerate dwarf nature of CYG X-2
Branduardi, G et al., ApJL, 235, L153 (1980)
Precise positions and optical search for the 38 second X-ray, pulsar near OAO 1653-40 and upper limit on X-ray emission from, V861 Sco
Armstrong, J et al., ApJL, 236, L131 (1980)
The 1978 X-ray and optical outburst of AQL X-1 (4U 1908+00)
Charles, P et al., ApJ, 237, 154 (1980)
Ultraviolet, visible, infrared and X-ray observations of SCO X-1
Willis, A et al., ApJ, 237, 596 (1980)
Simultaneous ultraviolet, optical and X-ray observations of the X-raysource Vel X-1 (HD 77581)
Dupree, A et al., ApJ, 238, 969 (1980)
Ultraviolet, X-ray, and infrared observations of HDE 226868 = Cygnus X-1
Treves, A et al., ApJ, 242, 1114 (1980)
Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of rapid variability in SCO X-1
Ilovaisky, S et al., MNRAS, 191, 81 (1980)
Coordinated optical, ultraviolet, radio and X-ray observations of SN 1979c in M 100
Panagia, N et al., MNRAS, 192, 861 (1980)
The discovery of ‘SCO X-1 type’ behaviour from the X-ray burster 4U 1735-44
White, N et al., MNRAS, 193, 731 (1980)
X-ray observations of the OAO 1653-40.field
Parmar, A et al., MNRAS, 193, P49 (1980)
X-ray background studies with Ariel 5 and Copernicus observations of the X-ray source: OAO1653-40
Pollard, G, PhD Thesis, 115 (1980)
Copernicus observations of Theta-2 Ori A, a proposed optical counterpart to the X-ray source 4U 0531-05
Bernacca, P & Bianchi, L, A&A, 75, 61 (1979)
Centaurus X-3
Hutchings, J et al., ApJ, 229, 1079 (1979)
Detection of one million degree gas in the supernova remnant IC 443
Woodgate, B et al., ApJL, 229, L119 (1979)
Simultaneous ultraviolet and X-ray observations of the massive binary V861 Scorpii (=OAO 1653-40?)
Polidan, R et al., ApJL, 233, L7 (1979)
The discovery of 38.22 second X-ray pulsations from the vicinity of OAO 1653-40
White, N & Pravdo, S, ApJL, 233, L121 (1979)
The 4.8 hour modulation of Cyg X-3
Mason, K & Sanford, P, MNRAS, 189, P9 (1979)
Search for short time-scale periodicity in the X-ray flux of 4U1700-37
Branduardi, G et al., Natur, 279, 508 (1979)
Observations of a highly energetic event in the ultraviolet spectrum of the massive X-ray (?) V861 Sco
Oegerle, W & Polidan, R, PASP, 91, 615 (1979)
Galactic X-Ray Observations Observations Of Compact X-Ray Sources
Sanford, P, RSPSA, 366, 281 (1979)
Phenomenon V861 Sco = OAO 1653-40 - another black hole or shock wave in a normal binary system?
Bisnovatyj-Kogan, G et al., ATsir, 1006, 3 (1978)
X-ray and radio observations of GX 17+2 and GX 13+1
White, N et al., ApJ, 220, 600 (1978)
Searches for correlated X-ray and radio emission from X-ray burst sources
Johnson, H et al., ApJ, 222, 664 (1978)
X-ray and optical observations of 3U 0900-40 (Vela X-1)
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 183, 813 (1978)
Further Copernicus X-ray observations of 3U 1700-37
Branduardi, G et al., MNRAS, 185, 137 (1978)
The nature of the X-ray source associated with the Vela pulsar
Mason, K & Culhane, J, MNRAS, 185, 673 (1978)
The X-ray structure of supernova remnants II. Puppis-A
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 185, P15 (1978)
X-ray emission from the companion to V861 Sco
Polidan, R et al., Natur, 275, 296 (1978)
The Interaction of X-Rays with the Interstellar Medium
Ride, S, PhD Thesis, 8 (1978)
The interstellar medium in the direction of the Crab nebula: reconciling soft X-ray and radio observations
Ride, S & Walker, A, A&A, 61, 347 (1977)
Optical, infrared, and X-ray observations of NGC 6624
Fay, T et al., ApJ, 211, 152 (1977)
Extended soft X-ray emission from the Crab nebula
Charles, P & Culhane, J, ApJL, 211, L23 (1977)
A search for hard X-rays from five strong extragalactic radio sources
Mushotzky, R et al., ApJ, 212, 22 (1977)
Radio and X-ray observations of NGC 1851 and NGC 1904
Johnson, H et al., ApJ, 212, 112 (1977)
Evidence for X-ray iron line emission in Cygnus X-3 obtained with a crystal spectrometer
Kestenbaum, H et al., ApJL, 216, L19 (1977)
Photometry of slow X-ray pulsars. II. The 13.9 minute period of X Persei
Margon, B et al., ApJ, 218, 504 (1977)
LMC X-1: a luminous extended X-ray source
Epstein, A, ApJL, 218, L49 (1977)
The X-ray structure of supernova remnants - I. Cassiopeia A
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 178, 307 (1977)
Copernicus and Ariel V observations of Hercules X-1
Davison, P & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 178, P1 (1977)
A lunar occultation position for GX 9+1
Davison, P & Morrison, L, MNRAS, 178, P53 (1977)
Recurrent X-ray outbursts from Aquila X-1
Kaluzienski, L et al., Natur, 265, 606 (1977)
X-ray studies of the Puppis-A supernova remnant
Zarnecki, J, PhD Thesis, 18 (1977)
Temporal X-Ray Astronomy with a Pinhole Camera
Holt, S, Ap&SS, 42, 123 (1976)
‘Copernicus’ observations of extragalactic X-ray sources
Fabian, A et al., Ap&SS, 42, 249 (1976)
The X-ray behavior of 3U 1700-37
Mason, K et al., ApJL, 203, L29 (1976)
Further joint X-ray, infrared, and radio observations of Cygnus X-3
Mason, K et al., ApJ, 207, 78 (1976)
An X-ray survey of BL Lacertae objects
Margon, B et al., ApJ, 207, 359 (1976)
The X-ray structure of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
Wolff, R et al., ApJ, 208, 1 (1976)
Interaction of the Vela supernova remnant with the cloudy interstellar medium
Jenkins, E et al., ApJL, 209, L87 (1976)
Periodic modulation of three galactic X-ray sources
White, N et al., ApJL, 209, L119 (1976)
A review of ultraviolet astronomical research with the Copernicus satellite
Snow, T, EExSc, 3, 1 (1976)
X-ray observations of NGC 5128
Stark, J et al., MNRAS, 174, P35 (1976)
Observations of the transient X-ray source at the galactic centre (A1742-28)
Branduardi, G et al., MNRAS, 175, P47 (1976)
X-ray and optical observations of Sco X-1
White, N et al., MNRAS, 176, 91 (1976)
The interstellar medium in the line of sight to X Persei and 3U 0352+30
Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 176, 193 (1976)
The X-ray behaviour of 3U 0352+30 (X Per)
White, N et al., MNRAS, 176, 201 (1976)
Simultaneous photometry of X Persei and 3U 0352+30
Margon, B et al., MNRAS, 176, 217 (1976)
A study of four X-ray sources with properties similar to Sco X-1
Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 177, 513 (1976)
X-ray emission from GAM Cas
Mason, K et al., Natur, 260, 690 (1976)
Optical behaviour of HDE 226868 during a CYG X-1 X-ray transition
Walker, E et al., Natur, 263, 393 (1976)
Periodic behaviour of the X-ray flux from the region near 3U 1727-33
White, N et al., Natur, 264, 342 (1976)
Cyg X-3 and the binary X-ray sources
Mason, K, PhD Thesis, 239 (1976)
X-ray emission from supernova remnants
Charles, P, PhD Thesis, 252 (1976)
Copernicus: soft X-ray emission from certain features of the Cygnus Loop
Charles, P et al., ApJL, 196, L19 (1975)
An increase in the X-ray flux from Centaurus A
Davison, P et al., ApJL, 196, L23 (1975)
Soft X-ray observations of Centaurus X-3 from Copernicus
Margon, B et al., ApJL, 196, L51 (1975)
Copernicus: the X-ray spectrum of Cassiopeia A
Charles, P et al., ApJL, 197, L61 (1975)
Variability of the X-ray sources in the Magellanic Clouds
Tuohy, I & Rapley, C, ApJL, 198, L69 (1975)
X-ray emission from the Centaurus cluster
Mitchell, R et al., ApJL, 200, L5 (1975)
Optical and X-ray observations of the PSR 1913+16 field
Davidsen, A et al., ApJL, 200, L19 (1975)
Copernicus: New Positions for Cygnus X-1 and 3U 0352+30 (X Per?)
Hawkins, F et al., ApL, 16, 19 (1975)
Copernicus: The Spatial Distribution of the X-ray Emission from IC443
Charles, P et al., ApL, 16, 129 (1975)
Copernicus: The Position and Nature of Scutum X-1
Charles, P et al., ApL, 16, 145 (1975)
Copernicus: X-ray observations of 3C 390.3
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 170, P17 (1975)
Copernicus: The X-ray spectrum of Puppis-A
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 170, P61 (1975)
Observation of an accretion wake and pre-eclipse dips in Centaurus X-3
Tuohy, I & Cruise, A, MNRAS, 171, P33 (1975)
Copernicus - X-ray observations of 3U 9759-49
Bahcall, J et al., MNRAS, 171, P41 (1975)
The temporal behaviour of Taurus X-1 (the Crab nebula)
Davison, P, MNRAS, 173, 77 (1975)
Copernicus: X-ray observations of several radio supernova remnants
Zarnecki, J et al., MNRAS, 173, 103 (1975)
Copernicus observations of Circinus X-1
Davison, P & Tuohy, I, MNRAS, 173, P33 (1975)
Ariel V and Copernicus measurements of the X-ray variability of CYG X-1
Sanford, P et al., Natur, 256, 109 (1975)
Soft X-ray search of centre of Cygnus Loop
Snyder, W et al., Natur, 258, 214 (1975)
The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
Wissinger, A, OptEn, 14, 133 (1975)
X rays from supernova remnants
Charles, P & Culhane, J, SciAm, 233, 0638 (1975)
Copernicus X-Ray Observations of NGC 1275 and the Core of the Perseus Cluster
Fabian, A et al., ApJL, 189, L59 (1974)
Detection of Soft X-Ray Emission from PSR 0833-45
Culhane, J et al., ApJL, 190, L9 (1974)
X-Ray Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud by the Copernicus Satellite
Rapley, C & Tuohy, I, ApJL, 191, L113 (1974)
X-Ray Absorption Events in Cygnus X-1 Observed with Copernicus
Mason, K et al., ApJL, 192, L65 (1974)
Infrared, Radio, and X-Ray Observations of Cygnus X-3
Becklin, E et al., ApJL, 192, L119 (1974)
Optical and X-Ray Observations of 3u 0614+09
Davidsen, A et al., ApJL, 193, L25 (1974)
A Search for Soft X-Ray Emission from Red-Giant Coronae
Margon, B et al., ApJL, 194, L75 (1974)
Design of an X-ray telescope system for an orbiting astronomical observatory
Bowles, J et al., JPhE, 7, 183 (1974)
The X-ray spectrum of Cygnus-A
Longair, M & Willmore, A, MNRAS, 168, 479 (1974)
Measurements of the position of X-ray sources with Copernicus
Willmore, A et al., MNRAS, 169, 7 (1974)
Optical observations of stars near Copernicus X-ray positions
Murdin, P et al., MNRAS, 169, 25 (1974)
Copernicus: The X-ray structure of the Crab Nebula
Hawkins, F et al., MNRAS, 169, P41 (1974)
Is μ Columbae the X-ray source 3U 0545-32?
Mason, K & Charles, P, MNRAS, 169, P73 (1974)
New position of Cen X-3 from Copernicus
Parkinson, J et al., Natur, 249, 746 (1974)
X-ray observations of the Coma and Virgo clusters from Copernicus
Griffiths, R & Peacock, A, Natur, 250, 471 (1974)
Absence of soft X rays from Eta Carinae
Griffiths, R & Peacock, A, Natur, 250, 714 (1974)
Introduction to the Copernicus Satellite
Hawkins, F, RSPSA, 340, 397 (1974)
X-ray Observations of Variable Sources
Sanford, P, RSPSA, 340, 411 (1974)
Studies of the X-Ray Emission from Supernova Remnants
Culhane, J, RSPSA, 340, 423 (1974)
Measurement of the Positions of X-Ray Sources
Willmore, A, RSPSA, 340, 439 (1974)
Das Auge des “Copernicus”. Astronomie-Satellit OAO 3 — Neues Fenster zum Universum
Weiss, G, Asnau, 10, 179 (1973)
Interstellar absorption of the lowenergy X-rays from the Crab Nebula
Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 165, 355 (1973)
Determination of the Position of GX2 + 5 with Copernicus
Hawkins, F et al., NPhS, 241, 109 (1973)
Low Energy X-ray Map of Puppis A Supernova Remnant
Zarnecki, J et al., NPhS, 243, 4 (1973)
Long-term Behaviour of Hercules X-1
Fabian, A, Natur, 244, 212 (1973)
X-ray Observations of Cygnus X-3 by Copernicus
Sandford, P & Hawkins, F, NPhS, 239, 135 (1972)
Further Evidence for a Black Hole in Beta Lyrae?
Kondo, Y et al., NPhS, 240, 119 (1972)
Orbiting Astronomical Observatory: Review of Scientific Results
Code, A & Savage, B, Sci, 177, 213 (1972)
Some results from Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
Grun, M & Koubsky, P, Rise, 51, 148 (1970)
OAO probes "larger" universe
SpFl, 12, 230 (1970)
Design and Development of the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
Imgram, D, NYASA, 134, 183 (1965)
Thermal design of the orbiting astronomical observatory
Hemmerdinger, L, JSpRo, 1, 477 (1964)
The Orbiting Astronomical Observatories
Rogerson, J, SSRv, 2, 621 (1963)
Optics in the orbiting astronomical observatory
Hallock, H, ApOpt, 1, 155 (1962)
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