Copernicus Bibliography
HEASARC Bibliography of Publications Using Copernicus UCLXE Data
The Copernicus publication list is the result of
queries to the ADS search using
the keywords COPERNICUS and UCLXE.
- Instrumentation:
- Science Results:
- Centaurus A:
An increase in the X-ray flux from Centaurus A
Davison, P et al., ApJL, 196, L23 (1975)
- X PER:
The X-ray behaviour of 3U 0352+30 (X Per)
White, N et al., MNRAS, 176, 201 (1976)
- Cyg X-1:
Ariel V and Copernicus measurements of the X-ray variability of CYG X-1
Sanford, P et al., Natur, 256, 109 (1975)
Related Sites
- Archive of the UV Copernicus data
at STSci
[Copernicus Home]
[About Copernicus]
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 18:27:11 EDT