HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2003

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Title Date
Carina in Color X-ray Color Image of the Carina Nebula December 29, 2003
Ornament Composite Image of the SNR N63a in the LMC December 22, 2003
Skidmarks Chandra image of Compact Object Halo around NGC 4261 December 15, 2003
Living and Dying Color X-ray and UV image of M81 December 8, 2003
Eta Carinae: The Vanishing RXTE Lightcurve of Eta Car December 1, 2003
Contacting a White Dwarf XMM-Newton Lightcurves of OY Car November 24, 2003
The Monster Awakens? INTEGRAL view of Sgr A* November 17, 2003
Prehistoric Jet Quasar X-ray Jet November 10, 2003
Flashers X-ray Transients in NGC 1637 November 3, 2003
Exhumations XMM Images of Kepler's SNR October 27, 2003
Stellar Epochs: Shocking Revelations Chandra and optical image of NGC 6888 October 20, 2003
Clustering around a Massive Star XMM-Newton image of NGC 6383 and HD 159176 October 13, 2003
Galaxy Trail optical/X-ray image of M86 October 6, 2003
See You On the Bright Side of the Moon Lunar X-rays September 29, 2003
The Spin Zone spinning black hole illustration September 22, 2003
Ripples Singing Gorgon September 15, 2003
Near the Bs Chandra Images of B stars September 8, 2003
Scene of a Crash Arp 299 Chandra Image September 1, 2003
Geminga's Trick of the Tail Geminga X-ray Tail August 25, 2003
Hot Winds from the Horseshoe M17 chandra image August 18, 2003
The Star-AGN Connection CHANDRA image of NGC 4303 August 11, 2003
Getting Closer Chandra images of NGC 6266 AND NGC 7099 August 4, 2003
X-ray Panorama XMM Large Scale Survey July 28, 2003
Surfing the Ocean of Spacetime Lisa July 21, 2003
Forging Aluminum SPI Al 26 Map July 14, 2003
A Counter Jet Vela Pulsar Jet July 7, 2003
Resolving the Accelerator Chandra image of SN 1006 June 30, 2003
Getting the GOODS on the Universe Chandra Temperature map of the galaxy cluster PKS0745-191 June 23, 2003
A Weaker Field Keck and Chandra views of 4C41.17 June 16, 2003
Jupiter's Northern Lights Keck and Chandra views of 4C41.17 June 9, 2003
Stellar Brotherhood Keck and Chandra views of 4C41.17 June 2, 2003
All You Can't Eat Keck and Chandra views of 4C41.17 May 26, 2003
Stellar Ball XMM-Newton image of Omega Cen May 19, 2003
Shocking Revelations Among the Quintet Chandra image of Stephan's Quintet May 12, 2003
Where the Wild Things Are Chandra image of Milky Way Center May 5, 2003
Cosmic Super Collider Radio/X-ray image of Cen A Jet April 28, 2003
How Compact are Compact Objects? X-ray spectra of an isolated Neutron star April 21, 2003
Dust in the Wind? CHANDRA Image of Cyg X-3 April 14, 2003
After the Afterglow CHANDRA/LETG observation of GRB 020405 April 7, 2003
What's Left of a Standard Candle SNR DEM L71 March 24, 2003
Middle Aged, Failed Star Still Active Chandra Image of X-ray Emission from a Brown Dwarf March 17, 2003
A Smoking Gun XMM-Newton Image of a Jet from Pictor A March 10, 2003
Black Widow's Wake Composite Chandra/Optical image of the Black Widow March 3, 2003
The Hard Plane INTEGRAL Galactic Plane Scan February 24, 2003
The Galactic Center Sends Up a Flare XMM-Newton Image of a Galactic center flare February 10, 2003
The Crew of STS 107 CHANDRA image of M83 February 3, 2003
The Compact Object Factory CHANDRA image of M83 January 27, 2003
INTEGRAL Spots a Burst IBIS Burst Image January 20, 2003
Deep in the Heart of the Milky Way Sgr A*/CHANDRA January 13, 2003
Building an Bigger Galaxy NGC 1700/CHANDRA January 6, 2003

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014 18:54:39 EST