HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2004

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Title Date
Invisible Cluster Revealed; Interlopers Identified Clusters in X-rays and IR December 27, 2004
Pulsing Wind Chandra observation of 3C58 December 20, 2004
Hot Association Chandra observation of Cyg OB2 December 13, 2004
Black Hole Too Young? Chandra observation of J1306+illustration December 6, 2004
Will Doomed Star Doom Us? X-ray & optical image of Eta Car November 29, 2004
Swift, as an Arrow Launch of Swift November 22, 2004
The Anti-Galaxy 511 keV image of the Galaxy November 15, 2004
TeraVolt Imaging TeV image of an SNR November 8, 2004
Energizing the Base 3c223 XMM & VLA images November 1, 2004
Warp Speed Ahead? Anti-hydrogen annihilation October 25, 2004
How Much is Too Much? Diffuse X-ray emission in the Galactic Center October 18, 2004
A Great View Composite image of Kepler's SNR October 11, 2004
The Stripper XMM-Newton image of Abell 1644 October 4, 2004
The Mouse that Soared X-ray and VLA image of the Mouse September 27, 2004
Sightseeing by Balloon the launch of InFOCus September 20, 2004
Free Falling Chandra Image for the Fornax cluster September 13, 2004
Reflections of a More Active Time INTEGRAL Hard X-ray View of the center of the Milky Way September 6, 2004
Now with Enhanced Silicon Million Second look at Cas A by Chandra August 30, 2004
Where Do Pulsars Get Their Kicks? Chandra Image of CTA1 Pulsar August 23, 2004
Olympian Rings HETG Image of 1e0102-7219 August 16, 2004
Outburst from a Young Star Optical and Chandra Images of McNeil's Nebula August 9, 2004
Where the Wild Winds Are Multiwavelength Quintuplet cluster August 2, 2004
A Race To the Swift Swift with PI July 26, 2004
The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Chondrules GRB-induced Chondrules July 19, 2004
Young Stars, In Color Chandra Image of the Trifid July 12, 2004
Cosmic Chrysanthemum Illustration of GRB 020813 July 5, 2004
The Hot Center Chandra Image of the SGR A June 28, 2004
Reflections on a Little Man Chandra Image of the Homunculus Nebula June 21, 2004
Cosmic Ray Gun Revisited XMM-Newton and VLA view of SN 1006 June 14, 2004
Normal to a Burst? X-ray and IR composite of W49b June 7, 2004
The Upper End of the Beast Whipple TeV image of the Galactic Center May 31, 2004
Darkness Visible Chandra images 3 clusters of galaxies May 24, 2004
Three Ring Virgo Chandra image of Rings around M87 May 17, 2004
Blowing Bubbles, Not Forever XMM-Newton Image and optical images of S308 May 10, 2004
A Crab Too Far Chandra Image SNR 0540-69.3 May 3, 2004
Splitting Images Chandra Image of the Cloverleaf quasar April 26, 2004
Sources in the Mist IBIS image of the center of the Milky way April 19, 2004
Transit of Titan Titan Transits the Crab Nebula April 12, 2004
Jet Exhausted XMM and X-ray image of 3C66b April 5, 2004
A Galactic Recommended Allowance of Mg Chandra Image of N49B March 29, 2004
X-ray Belt Chandra and Hubblem Images of Saturn March 22, 2004
A Long Hard Glance IBIS Galactic Plane Survey March 15, 2004
New Soft Lights Quasi-Soft Sources found by Chandra March 8, 2004
Star, Interrupted tidal disruption of a star March 1, 2004
Weapon of Mass Destruction Found SPI sees electron-positron annihilation February 23, 2004
When Two Become One Become Two V471 Tau X-ray spectrum February 16, 2004
New Cosmic Survey PCA All Sky Survey February 9, 2004
Fog Lights GRB halo February 2, 2004
Ancient Structure CHANDRA and VLT observations of an old, massive cluster January 26, 2004
Strip Mining Chemicals in the Antenna January 19, 2004
Two Sides of M101 NGC 1700/CHANDRA January 12, 2004
Martian X-ray, Take Two NGC 1700/CHANDRA January 5, 2004

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014 18:54:24 EST