HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2007

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Title Date
The High Energy Year In Review 2007 Year in review December 31, 2007
Intergalactic Battle 3C321 jet hitting neighbor galaxy December 24, 2007
See the Whirlpool M51 in X-rays December 17, 2007
Sunburst Hinode image of a solar X-ray jet December 10, 2007
Equal and Opposite Reaction Runaway neutron star December 3, 2007
Grand Central Scan Super-AGILE Scan of the Galactic Center November 26, 2007
Cornucopia Chandra/Optical image of NGC 281 November 19, 2007
Far and Away INTEGRAL/Swift detection of distant AGN November 12, 2007
The Center, Dissected Suzaku observations of the Galactic center November 5, 2007
The Mystery Machine Happy Halloween from Chandra October 29, 2007
The Heaviest Stellar Hole Artist impression of a black hole accreting a stellar wind; inset: Hubble and Chandra images of M33 X-7 October 22, 2007
Fireworks on the Fourth of July XMM Optical Monitor images of Deep Impact October 15, 2007
Active Youngsters Orion Nebula composite image October 8, 2007
Hidden Dwarfs Exposed INTEGRAL detection of an intermediate polar October 1, 2007
Rushing Downhill Galaxy with Tail September 24, 2007
The Stripper Pulsar stripping material from a planet September 17, 2007
Cataloguing A Piece of the Universe Second XMM serendipitous source catalog September 10, 2007
Bursting Bubbles N19 in the SMC in optical, radio and X-ray September 3, 2007
What the Cap is Made Of M82 by Suzaku and Subaru August 27, 2007
Light and Dark Matter X-ray and Gravitational lensing maps of Abell 520 cluster August 20, 2007
Complement Chandra and XMM images of 2 SNRs August 13, 2007
A New High? INTEGRAL/IBIS image of HESS J1616-508 August 6, 2007
Growing Trouble Chandra images of AGN in galaxy clusters July 30, 2007
Mystery Spot Suzaku image of TeV source region - possible SNR? July 23, 2007
Slowly I Turn Chandra image of RCW 103 July 16, 2007
Close Hot Dancing HETG radial velocity curve for VW Cep July 9, 2007
Fireworks Swift/UVOT image of double supernovae July 2, 2007
Revolver XMM Newton study of HD 5980 June 25, 2007
Shocking Pink Chandra and Sptizer image of N132D June 18, 2007
ISGRI Unveiled ISGRI absorption column measures June 11, 2007
Under Construction XMM image of part of the Taurus Molecular Cloud June 4, 2007
The Weight Artist impression of an intermediate mass black hole May 28, 2007
Die Fast, Die Slow XMM Newton Observations of Novae in M31 May 21, 2007
Does 2006gy = 2007 Eta Car? IR and X-ray images of SN 2006gy May 14, 2007
Hat Tip for the Queen Chandra, Hubble and Spitzer images of the Sombrero Galaxy May 7, 2007
Jet Exhaust NGC 4285 composite image April 30, 2007
Fast Fuse Chandra and XMM images of quick exploding Ia SNe April 23, 2007
Eclipse of the Dark Heart Chandra/VLT images of NGC 1365 April 16, 2007
Crown and Tail X-ray image of Jupiter's aurorae April 9, 2007
Breaking Down the Pillars Chandra and HST image of the Eagle Nebula field April 2, 2007
Exotic, but not too Exotic? XMM Newton image of RX J1856.5-3754 March 26, 2007
A Sky Full of Holes Chandra Bootes Field March 19, 2007
Big Burst Color X-ray image of the Carina Nebula by XMM March 12, 2007
Where's the Matter? INTEGRAL AGN volume density March 5, 2007
Twenty Years in the Making HST/Chandra images of SN 1987a February 26, 2007
Two Views of a Grand Design M101 in X-rays and visible light February 19, 2007
Jupiter's Crown RGS spectrum of Jupiter's Aurora February 12, 2007
Cataloguing the GR Sky INTEGRAL 3rd IBIS catalogue February 5, 2007
Wondering in a Deep Field XMM-Newton X-ray Deep Field January 29, 2007
Echoes of a Monster's Roar Chandra image of light echoes in galactic center January 22, 2007
The Sun in STEREO STEREO image of the Sun January 15, 2007
The Long and the Short of It Swift hybrid GRB January 8, 2007
New Chandra/optical composite of W3 January 1, 2007

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014 18:54:25 EST