HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2011

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Title Date
Neutron Star of Wonder Two views of GRB101225A December 26, 2011
The Littlest Black Hole Artist rendition of IGR J17091-3624; inset: X-ray brightness curve December 19, 2011
A Guest Star, Identified Infrared and X-ray image of RCW 86 December 12, 2011
Cosmic Ray Cocoon Infrared and LAT/Gamma-Ray image of Cyg X star forming region December 5, 2011
The Spin of SpaceTime RXTE X-ray history of Cyg X-1 November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving Goldstone image of earth-crossing asteroid 2005 YU55 November 21, 2011
Headspinning Fermi LAT observation of the youngest millisecond pulsar, PSR J1823-3021A November 7, 2011
The Tell-Tale Hole Chandra observation of the Gorgon's Head in Perseus October 31, 2011
The End of ROSAT Artist rendering of ROSAT October 24, 2011
More from the Crab Crab Gamma-ray pulsations October 17, 2011
Black Hole Burps Multiwavelength Campaign of Observations of the AGN MRK 509 October 10, 2011
High and Low X-ray image of Cyg OB2 October 3, 2011
Light OPERA; or Faster? The OPERA experiment at Italy's INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory September 26, 2011
Blasted Planet Chandra's view of CoRoT-2b, a planet blasted by stellar X-rays September 19, 2011
A Deeper Universe LAT 2-year all sky gamma-ray map September 12, 2011
Double Super X-ray and optical image of NGC 3393 September 5, 2011
Swift and a Swallow Artist rendition of a Black Hole swallowing a star August 29, 2011
Searching for the Next Universe The signatures of a bubble collision at various stages in the analysis pipeline. August 22, 2011
X-Class SDO image of an X-class flare August 15, 2011
Slow Slowing Spin Swift XRT image of RCW 103 August 8, 2011
Falling In Chandra and VLT images of NGC 3115 and its central black hole August 1, 2011
Now Who's Farthest? Farthest burst ever seen? July 25, 2011
A Pulsar's Tail Chandra image of the tail of PSR J0357+3205 July 18, 2011
Clumps in the Wind Chandra Deep Field South July 11, 2011
Fireworks Artist Conception of LS 2883 July 4, 2010
Four Way Stop Sign Chandra + optical image of Abell 2744 June 27, 2011
The Beginning of the End of Time Chandra Deep Field South June 20, 2011
What's Tickling RCW 89? Chandra image of PSR B1509-58 and RCW89 June 13, 2011
In the Way Tycho SNR in X-rays June 6, 2011
Feedback X-ray Map of the Carina Nebula May 30, 2011
The Places You've Seen RXTE exposure map May 23, 2011
A Flare from the Crab Gamma-ray flare from the Crab Nebula May 16, 2011
Busted UVOT image of asteroid 596 Scheila May 9, 2011
Time Flies for RXTE RXTE 15th Birthday Poster May 2, 2011
Dance of the Double Cluster XMM-Newton false color image of cluster Abell 2028 April 25, 2011
Short Bursts Solved? Model of a short GRB produced by a neutron star merger April 18, 2011
Down the Rabbit Hole Lightcurve of a star swallowed by a supermassive black hole April 11, 2011
Tycho Stripes X-ray Stripes in Tycho's SNR April 4, 2011
The Fringes of Perseus Suzaku study of the Perseus Cluster March 28, 2011
The Ring X-ray/optical image of Arp 147, showing ring of black holes March 21, 2011
Mature for Your Age A Cluster at High Redshift March 14, 2011
Silent Superball Superfluid neutron star in Cas A SNR March 7, 2011
What's Eating the Crab? Gamma-ray flare from the Crab February 28, 2011
Hot HOt HOT X-ray Nebula around NGC 346 February 14, 2011
Solving the Chicken-Egg Conundrum Henize 210 composite February 7, 2011
Parsing the Background makeup of the CXB January 31, 2011
Jets Stopped Short Hanny's Voorwerp January 24, 2011
Go Jets composite X-ray and radio images study of the jet in Cen A. January 17, 2011
Life and Death in M31 Hanny's Voorwerp January 10, 2011
Growing Black Holes composite X-ray and optical images of galaxies used in a recent study of supermassive black holes January 3, 2011

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Wednesday, 22-Jan-2014 18:54:26 EST