HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2016

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Title Date
Star of Wonder Swift XRT image of X-ray light echoes around V404 Cyg December 26, 2016
Gravity's Echoes? Numerical simulation of two merging black holes December 19, 2016
Dwarf Microlens Summary of the observation of gravitational microlensing as seen by OGLE, Swift and Spitzer December 12, 2016
The Stellar Circle of Life and Death Composite X-ray/radio image of a star-forming cloud near the X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 December 5, 2016
GR/FRB? Swift BAT discovery image of GR transient (circled) which may be associated with a Fast Radio Burst November 28, 2016
Dieting VLT optical and Chandra X-ray image of Markarian 1018 November 21, 2016
The Visibility of Darkness Fermi study of the extragalactic Gamma-ray background November 14, 2016
Relic Composite X-ray, radio, optical and a mass map of the galaxy cluster RX J0603.3+4214 November 7, 2016
The Raving Chandra Deep Field South October 31, 2016
Bewildering Outburst Strange flare source in Centaurus A October 24, 2016
Extreme Polarization X-Calibur getting ready for launch, 2016 October 17, 2016
Decentralized Black Hole Optical and X-ray image of an extragalactic, off-center supermassive black hole hyperluminous X-ray source October 10, 2016
Extreme Outsider Fermi Gamma-Ray lightcurve of LMC Gamma-Ray binary star October 3, 2016
The Water Telescope HAWC skymap September 26, 2016
Exchange at Pluto New Horizons (optical) and Chandra (X-ray) images of Pluto September 19, 2016
Mysterious Shots in the Dark One of the fast X-ray transients detected by INTEGRAL September 12, 2016
Far and Away Most distant galaxy cluster identified September 5, 2016
The Sterile Cuckoo? First results of LISA Pathfinder Performance August 29, 2016
Blob and Bubble HST and Chandra image of Hanny's Voorwerp August 22, 2016
Background Investigation NuSTAR studies the hard X-ray Background August 15, 2016
Neutron Stars and the Dance of Death Illustration of a jet from a gamma-ray burst produced by the merger of two neutron stars August 8, 2016
Spinning Hot Halo Illustration of the hot halo around the Milky Way galaxy August 1, 2016
What You Don't See Radio and X-ray observations of an unusual, purported X-ray binary July 25, 2016
Kind of a Drag Illustration of a precessing tilted inner disk around a spinning black hole July 18, 2016
A Map of Motion in Perseus Hitomi observation of the Perseus cluster July 11, 2016
Jupiter's Fireworks HST image of Jupiter's aurora July 4, 2016
Echoes of a Devoured Star Illustration of a temporary accretion disk formed when a black hole devours a star June 27, 2016
The Second Merger LIGO signal from the second observed black hole merger June 20, 2016
Free Fallin' First results of LISA Pathfinder Performance June 13, 2016
Truncating the Disk Illustration of a neutron star accreting gas from a compaion star.  Inset shows emission from iron atoms in the accretion disk of the X-ray binary Aql X-1 June 6, 2016
The Expansion of Tycho Chandra X-ray images of Tycho SNR from 2000 and 2015 May 30, 2016
Bert, Ernie and Big Bird The three highest energy neutrinos, with energies of 1.0, 1.1 and 2.2 PeV, from left to right May 23, 2016
What's Making Waves? Simulation of gravitational waveforms produced by a merging black hole binary system May 16, 2016
The Sun-Comet Exchange X-ray emission from two comets May 9, 2016
The Loss of Hitomi Chandra X-ray image of the Perseus Cluster; Hitomi's observation of this cluster produced a ground-breaking spectrum May 2, 2016
Celebrating CGRO Release of CGRO from the shuttle bay on April 7, 1991 April 25, 2016
Four Ring Circus of Circinus X-1 X-ray image of light echoes around Cir X-1 April 18, 2016
EXTraS! EXTraS! X-ray Pulsar Discovered in M31! Discovery of the first accreting X-ray pulsar in the Andromeda Galaxy April 11, 2016
Type Ia Trigger Chandra X-ray image of SNR G1.9+0.3 April 4, 2016
Breakout Kepler's measurement of the change in brightness vs. time for two exploding stars March 28, 2016
The Wild Frontier A multi-wavelength false-color view of MACS J0717, one of the galaxy clusters in the Frontier Fields Project March 21, 2016
March Winds Artistic rendition of a superwind from the center of a spiral galaxy March 14, 2016
An Ancient Jet Ancient X-ray jet from an active, supermassive black hole March 7, 2016
A Double Shot of Hitomi Astro-H introduced to the press February 29, 2016
Saying Hi to Hitomi Astro-H introduced to the press February 22, 2016
100 Milliseconds that Shook the World First LIGO detection of a gravitational wave event February 15, 2016
"Dualing" Black Holes Chandra and HST image of SDSS J1126+2944 February 8, 2016
Shadow of an Aurora INTEGRAL observation of X-rays from earth's aurora February 1, 2016
Regurgitation Burping Black Hole January 25, 2016
Unveiling Astro-H Astro-H introduced to the press January 18, 2016
A Hard Look at Andromeda X-ray and Optical images of the Chesire Cat group of galaxies January 11, 2016
That Was the Year that Was, Wasn't It? The HEAPOW Year in Pictures, 2015 January 4, 2016

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Tuesday, 27-Dec-2016 10:23:05 EST