HEASARC Picture of the Week: 2010

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Title Date
Keep Busy XMM Slew survey December 27, 2010
Ornamental Chandra + HST image of SNR 0509 December 20, 2010
Unseen is Important Hanny's Voorwerp December 13, 2010
Glowing Fountains Artist rendition of galactic fountains in the Milky Way December 6, 2010
A New Rent? Composite image of M100 showing possible new black hole November 29, 2010
Temporarily Blowing Bubbles? Artist rendering of Milky Way Gamma-Ray bubbles November 22, 2010
Transmogrification Lightcurve of a grb/magnetar November 8, 2010
Far Away Cooling Chandra + optical image of the most distant cooling flow November 1, 2010
Sic Transit Gloria MAXI MAXI detection of a new X-ray Transient October 25, 2010
Weighing a Neutron Star Artist view of Swift J1749 system October 18, 2010
The End of How it All Began This image is the detailed, all-sky picture of the infant universe created from seven years of WMAP data. The image reveals 13.7 billion year old temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) that correspond to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies. October 11, 2010
Deconstructing the Universe Planck and XMM images of a new found supercluster October 4, 2010
Eaten by the Giant? Left: radio and X-ray image of BP Psc; right: Artist conception September 27, 2010
Silver Surfers of Spacetime Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) September 20, 2010
IXO The International X-ray Observatory September 13, 2010
Switch on the Radio composite X-ray and radio image of Abell 1758 September 6, 2010
The Extremely High Energy Extragalactic Sky Number of very high energy extragalactic sources vs. time August 30, 2010
Great Antennae IR, Optical and X-ray mosaic of the Antennae Galaxies August 23, 2010
Gamma Nova Fermi LAT detection of Nova Cyg 2010 August 16, 2010
Waking Up Sun from SDO August 9, 2010
Busy Being Born, Busy Dying Sptizer and XMM image of Berkeley 87 August 2, 2010
Reach for the Sky Chandra image of pulsar wind nebula July 26, 2010
Stunning GRB100621A July 19, 2010
That Glow Around Jupiter Jupiter by Suzaku July 12, 2010
Recoil Composite Hubble/Chandra image of CID 42 July 5, 2010
Ultracompact Oxygen Artist conception of the ultracompact binary 4U 0614+091 June 28, 2010
Symbiot CH Cygni Jet June 21, 2010
Power Going Backward Artist conception of spinning black hole with jet June 14, 2010
The Swift 500 500 Swift Bursts June 7, 2010
Turned on By the Bump BAT detected AGN May 31, 2010
Aluminum Sure Can INTEGRAL observations of Al 26 signal from the Cygnus region May 24, 2010
Missing No More? A Test of the WHIM May 17, 2010
Passing the Cosmic Test Fermi GR background May 10, 2010
Seeds of the Supermassive? Composite X-ray, optical and IR image of M82 and center (inset) May 3, 2010
Sun in Living Color SDO image of the sun April 26, 2010
Dirty Universe X-ray image of Magnetar with dust rings April 19, 2010
Dust and the Wind X-ray and IR image of G54.1+0.3 April 12, 2010
Boosting the Background Composite image of Cen A April 5, 2010
A Higher Altitude Observatory MAXI all-sky X-ray image March 29, 2010
About to Go Boom XMM-Newton X-ray observation of Berkeley 87 and WR 142 March 22, 2010
Background Check Fermi GR background March 15, 2010
Blowback X-ray, optical and radio composite image of NGC 1068 March 8, 2010
Focusing on the Accelerators Fermi and composite image of W44 March 1, 2010
A Test of Type Ia X-ray and optical image of M31 February 22, 2010
Togetherness X-ray and optical image of a quasar-quasar collision February 15, 2010
Web of Darkness XMM and COSMOS lensing survey February 8, 2010
A Tale of Two Tails X-ray and optical image of ESO 137-001 February 1, 2010
New Pulsars New Millisecond Pulsars in the Fermi Catalog January 25, 2010
The Bones of the Universe XMM-LSS survey image January 18, 2010
Views of the Center IR, Optical and X-ray mosaic of the Galactic Center January 11, 2010
Overcooked Fossil Jellyfish Suzaku view of the Jellyfish Nebula January 4, 2010

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Tuesday, 31-May-2022 11:57:24 EDT